Gunnin for #1
I thought your game wuz balanced tho now that i have fully upgraded Snappy it seems there iz an increase of enemies to where i can’t progress past 5000 points. My highest score iz 16490 and i wuz not fully upgraded with Snappy. It iz a great Shmup that i like to continue to support i juz wish a better balance would happen for us fans. Also i think the time needs to be increased on Specials. 🎼❤️. Also can you look into fixing the volume on Story. Thankz for your time & Funtaztic creation.
Keep up the great heArtwork
Edit: i stand corrected. It’z my skillz, patience and the need to have to stay back when blasting on certain areas because i juz jumped to 21610 points. Can you guys give us the magnet back or iz that part of this Survival challenge? Also the health power ups seem to apply to juz the shields so can we get another health power up?
Thankz for your time.
Keep up the great heArtwork