Worthless big Brother App
Response from developer
Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on your Mentor experience. Mentor can be a powerful ally in helping you change your potentially high-risk behaviors behind the wheel. We recommend focusing on your trend of progress vs. each individual infraction or perceived error recorded by Mentor. Just as there are ups and downs in losing weight, there will be good drives and better drives. Through 2020, over 240,000 drivers had used Mentor over 1.5 billion miles driven and analysis showed that the riskiest drivers improved their FICO® Safe Driving Scores by 32% over 6 months and 38% over 15 months. So, keep your focus on the goal and keep striving to improve! eDriving is behind you every mile or kilometer driven!
This app gives random scores
Interstate setting the cruise at 5 miles below the speed limit driving 10 miles getting off at an exit ramp and stopping and I’ll have ratings that say hard turns and sharp breaking. So the scores are random and it’s worthless. The true rating would be zero if, we were allowed to put zero.
Response from developer
Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on your Mentor experience. Mentor can be a powerful ally in helping you change your potentially high-risk behaviors behind the wheel. We recommend focusing on your trend of progress vs. each individual infraction or perceived error recorded by Mentor. Just as there are ups and downs in losing weight, there will be good drives and better drives. Through 2020, over 240,000 drivers had used Mentor over 1.5 billion miles driven and analysis showed that the riskiest drivers improved their FICO® Safe Driving Scores by 32% over 6 months and 38% over 15 months. So, keep your focus on the goal and keep striving to improve! eDriving is behind you every mile or kilometer driven!
Driving score
Would not buy this app. People may loose jobs over the incorrect scoring system it has.
Worthless app
Response from developer
Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on your Mentor experience. Mentor can be a powerful ally in helping you change your potentially high-risk behaviors behind the wheel. We recommend focusing on your trend of progress vs. each individual infraction or perceived error recorded by Mentor. Just as there are ups and downs in losing weight, there will be good drives and better drives. Through 2020, over 240,000 drivers had used Mentor over 1.5 billion miles driven and analysis showed that the riskiest drivers improved their FICO® Safe Driving Scores by 32% over 6 months and 38% over 15 months. So, keep your focus on the goal and keep striving to improve! eDriving is behind you every mile or kilometer driven!
Mentor teaches you how to drive dangerously
There have been times where someone pulls out in front of me, and I have hesitated on hitting the brakes because mentor has me trained that hard breaking is bad. It’s better to run that red light, than stop hard if the light turns yellow. Kid runs in front of your car? Better hit them. Swerving to avoid an accident is bad. If Mentor has the speed limit for a road wrong, better follow the Mentor speed rather than the posted speed. Regardless of the danger this poses.
Mentor is so out of touch with reality, I wonder how often they are included in the lawsuits for being the cause of accidents… The laws don’t matter, there can be only Mentor!
Response from developer
Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on your Mentor experience. Mentor can be a powerful ally in helping you change your potentially high-risk behaviors behind the wheel. We recommend focusing on your trend of progress vs. each individual infraction or perceived error recorded by Mentor. Just as there are ups and downs in losing weight, there will be good drives and better drives. From 2018 through 2022, over 300,000 drivers had used Mentor over 3.5 billion miles driven and analysis showed that the riskiest drivers improved their FICO® Safe Driving Scores by 51% over 6 months and 70% over 18 months. So, keep your focus on the goal and keep striving to improve! eDriving is behind you every mile or kilometer driven!
Horrible App
Response from developer
Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on your Mentor experience. We applaud your employer for wanting to help you get home safely to your loved ones at the end of each workday. And for selecting eDriving, the most privacy friendly partner out there! The only driver data shared with your manager is the data relevant to risk management, meaning your FICO® Safe Driving Score® and driver events (harsh acceleration, braking, cornering, phone distraction and speeding). NO location data or individual trip data is shared beyond you. Changing behavior behind the wheel is tough and overlaying new, safer habits over old riskier ones takes time. So, let’s work on this together – we will keep working to improve the Mentor experience based on global feedback we receive, and you will plan to focus on the driving task and return home safely to your loved ones at the end of each day.
Response from developer
Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on your Mentor experience. While the FICO® Safe Driving Score may be difficult to decipher at times, rest assured there is extremely sound methodology underlying its design, which was developed in partnership with industry analytics leader FICO®. (Note: This has nothing to do with your FICO® Credit Score – same company, different division). eDriving’s validation study which used data from the 2nd Strategic Highway Research Program with over 3,500 participants and nearly 32 million miles of driving data,* confirmed that drivers with FICO® Safe Driving Scores below 710 have a higher crash involvement rate than drivers with higher scores (those above 710). Through 2022, over 300,000 drivers had used Mentor over 3.5 billion miles driven and analysis showed that the riskiest drivers improved their FICO® Safe Driving Scores by 51% over 6 months and 70% over 18 months. So, keep your focus on the goal and keep working to improve! eDriving is behind you every mile or kilometer driven! (*Dataset 10.15787/VTT1/IEKRD3)