The college I’m attending had me wait until I met with an advisor before signing up for my first classes. Lo and behold, the classes got filled up by the time I met with them, which infuriated me. I don’t remember how, but by some luck I stumbled on this app right after this occurred. I saw the app reviews on here saying it had a feature where you can track class openings, and get notified. And let me tell you, it was the BEST $7 ever spent. I got the classes I wanted the same minute a slot opened up. I didn’t have to worry about refreshing the class page a thousand times.
For fun, I also tested what the notification delay is like by signing up for a class and dropping right out to see how long it took me to be notified. It’s always been about 45-60 seconds, which is more than enough time to have an advantage over others.
Don’t listen to those whining about paying $7 every 4 months. That’s more than fair to get a leg up on other students.
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