My Bar
Make it a lot more streamline for searching a recipe
Would also be nice to sort craftable cocktails by rating.
Response from developer
Hi! Thank you for your feedback. We will consider your suggestions. Could you please clarify: you want to sort added cocktails by your personal rating?
Total thumbs down
Response from developer
Thank you for your review. You should add your ingredients on "My bar" tab and press "Show" to see all cocktails that you can make. Also in October we prepare posts with cocktails that you can make only from 3 bottles of different alcohol and other non-alcoholic ingredients. This posts are appearing every Thursday. If you have technical problems feel free to mail on
Highly recommend
Response from developer
Thank you for review!
Gorgeous interface, fun to use!
Free bartender lessons
Response from developer
Hi! Without any payments you can make around 240 cocktail recipes, stock your own bar and check what cocktails you can make from ingredients. Seasonal collections, stories and news about mixology also available.
App is ok but constant spam to review
Response from developer
Hi! Thank you for review. Asking reviews helps us to get feedback from users. After scoring the app this requests wouldn't be showed.
Weird connection issues.
Unfortunately, I can’t go more than a few clicks through this app without hitting the loading wheel that never ends, followed by a “connection lost” symbol. Apart from downloading and sharing cocktail recipes, I simply can’t understand why an app like this would constantly need to be connected to the internet.
Response from developer
Hi! Sorry for this situation. Please try update to the last version. We did many improvements since last year.