User Reviews: Ultimate Ocean Simulator

Top reviews

  • Fifth best Gluten Free Game

    This is my fifth favorite, It’s a little buggy but that’s not what we’re here for, It’s time to make a gluten pitch! Ultimate Prehistoric Ocean Simulator. Megalodon Lv1, Trilobite Lv5, Ammonite Lv10, Archelon Lv15, Dunkleosteus Lv20, Liopleurodon Lv25, Elasmosaurus Lv30, Temnodontosaurus Lv35, Leedsichthys Lv40, Helicoprion Lv45, Tanystropheus Lv50, Jaekelopterus Lv55, Livyathan Mellvillei Lv60. Npc animals: Diplomeceras, Baculites, Xenacanthus, Dollocaris, Tully Monster, Anthropornis, Inkayacu, Henodus, Ottoia, Nothosaurus, Frilled Shark, Cretoxyrhina, Hyneria, Odobenocetops, Protosphyraena, Mosasaurus, Zhongjianichthys, Tiktaalik, Phlegethontia, Occacaris, Kerygmachela, Cephalaspis, Hallucigenia, Falcatus, Aegriocassis, Mieridduryn, Arandaspida, Atopodentatus, Rhamphosuchus, Brygmophseter Shigensis, Aulophyseter, Cetotherium
    Bosses: tusoteuthis, Basilosaurus, Xiphactinus, Anomalorcaris, 3 Zygophyseter Varolai, Perucetus Colossus
    The land is in water with a little small atoll. It has a cave and a water way that lends to the island. It also has a coral reef and a underwater volcano.
  • A dolphin named Jake

    Jake was unlike other dolphins. Not only he could breathe in water, but go on land and walk on his tail! He lived with his two friends. Moray, a eel, and Sonic, a sword fish. One day they were playing coral ball at the reef. VRRRRROOOOOOOM!!! “WHATS THAT!?” Said Moray in a shocked voice. “I don’t know.” Said Jake. “Sonic?” Sonic said nothing. But he shrugged. “I’ll take that as a, I don’t know.” Said Moray. “I’ll go check it out.” Said Jake. He surfaced and saw a big, wooden monster! (It was a ship) he read the name: SS fish catcher. Whatever that meant. He returned to his friends. “Guys! You won’t believe it!” Said Jake. “Guys?” He looked around. Moray was gone! Sonic was gone! “Oh no! This is terrible!” Jake cried. “The monster got my friends!” And it was true! Then, he was lifted out of the water! Oh no, he thought. Then before he knew it, he was placed in a large tank! He looked around the area. He saw Moray AND Sonic! “Guys!” He said with hope. He went to to say hi, but, then, THUMP! Glass separated them! Jake looked around frantically. Then, the captain dragged a rod across the floor, with blood trailing behind it. He gulped. “I’m in a tank,” Jake said. “And I’m next!”
    Follow more ocean games for part 2!
  • My other game idea

    I would also love to play Ultimate Pet Simulator! You can live in the wild, on the streets, or as a pet. You begin as a husky, with the miniature horse already unlocked, at level 5, you unlock a parrot, at level 10, a chinchilla, at level 15, a tortoise, at level 20, a mouse, at level 25, a rat, at level 30, a hamster, at level 35, a canary, and at level 40, an iguana. Now, a lot of these creatures have already been played as in other games, but there’s an owl in Ultimate Bird and Arctic Simulator. Biomes: a wild forest, a dinosaur island, a wild west town, a peaceful neighborhood, and a bustling city! Bosses: A bull in the Wild West, a coyote in the forest, a ceratosaurus in dinosaur island, an animal control officer in the city, an outlaw on a horse in the Wild West, and a styracosaurus in dinosaur island! Maybe the animal control officer doesn’t stay in one place, he could drive all over the city! When he’s near you, he comes out and you can battle him! Also, keep the quests your family gives you, but also assist the people of the neighborhood, city, and Wild West with quests, too, like in Ultimate Horse Simulator! Thank you, and please consider making this game!
  • Good but needs work

    This is a great game! But I think it needs work. When you go out of the water you die in like 5 seconds I think it should be longer. I love all the animals you can be. I love this game! But I don’t know why it’s so glitchy. I love the homes. The one home won’t let me have it.
  • The triple trouble

    The were once a trio of crabs: bubble, copper, and andisite. The were known locally as the ‘triple trouble’. Copper enjoyed pranks, bubble enjoyed annoying fish, and andisate enjoyed steeling, well, andisite!!! One day, on a pranking spree, the crabs saw a tunnel... the went into it, only to find..... A GREAT WHITE SHARK!!!!!!!!! And that was the last anyfish ever... heard of them... (based of of a 10 year old’s story: triple trouble bullys but crabs and fish and sharks) made by me deal with it. No name for you
  • Good game but......

    Ok, hear me out. This game IS good (one of the only reasons it’s 2 stars), or at least has plenty of potential. However, very little effort looks like it’s gone into it and it has lots ( and I mean lots) of glitches, including one particularly massive one where you cannot mate, eat, kill smaller fish, give birth,…or even die. And sometimes it just kicks you with no rhyme or reason. My other reason is that there are grammatical errors in stuff, like how feeding frenzy (a bar for ability classes, is misspelled.I mean, normally that’s fine for me, I don’t really care, but it doesn’t look like this was created well…more just created on a whim for cash. Thirdly, the controls are jerky and odd, and the graphics…it just gets annoying when you leap out of water but it shows the entire animation, you know?

    However, there ARE some good things. It’s very easy to level up because almost every hit or kill is from above or below (instakilling whatever you were trying to kill), boss fights are quite easy, but still entertaining, there is tons of open space, and it has a relatively large map. So please, if the devs read this, please fix all the problems, (even just the game breaking ones), and improve on the features that are good.
  • Shrug 🤷🏼‍♂️

    Ok so I love all of the other gluten free games but this one is NOTHING like the others. You can’t dodge, so I am constantly dying, and I dislike having to level up to get different animals and also the predators are WAYYYYYY to fast🐟💨, so i can’t outrun them, and what is with the dolphins!? Their TAILS are blocking the screen and also the prey is way to fast, so like u can’t catch anything but you can’t outrun anything. Ugh I am BEGGING you to read this and respond because with the necessary changes, it could be a legendary game.

    Update: omg I figured out wut I needed to! FIVE STARS!!! And ZERO GLITCHES

    ... but how do I mate???
  • I like the game but give us 3 more pls,

    Ultimate ocean sim is a good game, but I have 3 games you should add. 1. Ultimate crab simulator: you are a crab and you are on a beach. The other locations are a forest, a lake, a bird kingdom, and a desert. Passive animals are crabs, fish, lizards, preying mantises, and geckos. Aggressive animals are cats, birds, spiders, and snakes. Bosses are a secretary bird, Dalmatian, scorpion, king cobra, and a monkfish. Go to ultimate savanna sim for my second game idea.
  • Not as good as others

    Controls are 100% worse, going super fast is like flash-dolphin, and the mating part is just super bad. I don’t understand even how to do it! I wanted to be an orca, I’m just not ever going to get too lev. 20! Compared to, say, SavannaSim, worst one you guys made.

    I knew the water controls would be trash, because of trying to be a seal in ArcticSim, but this time I cant even control myself. Bad.
  • Well.....

    So here is a glitch, you mated, eat, the game kicks you bc it’s going a little nuts, something I found disturbing is that for dolphins (maybe other aquatic animals but I’m not entirely sure cuz I’m a lil bad at progressing) is that if you jump out of water, you run out of air.... just in case you didn’t know is that whales orcas and dolphins are aquatic mammals, so they have to breath air every once and a while, how bout a bar that pops up when you get out of water that tells your moisture count. But those where a few things I found a little weird so please fix them, but here are some ideas to spice the game up 1 instead of chargin’ at ya, if you make noise the creatures will only get attention towards you, by that I mean they should look at you if they are passive or neutral if you call and then get back to their own business, but aggressive creatures will follow that noise until they see you and then... well.. ya they attack, another idea is humans, those humans will just take pics of you if you come close.... unless you’re a shark, they will flee, so yea those are all my ideas and stuff but you don’t HAVE to add them or fix them. But all in all it’s a great game 🐟🦈🐋🦭🐬🐳🦀🦞🦐🦑🐙🦦

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