Absolutely horrific. Easily the worst app I have ever used. I bought my subscription via Apple but GEO does not care about this and always refers back to Apple. Apple insists I need to talk to GEO. Perfect circularity in which I have never received any support. Early versions of the app had huge trouble knowing about the Apple subscription. I would have immediately gone back to the print version but it’s not available in Australia. With every update the account was lost and I spend days getting it set up again. It gets worse though. I want my issues on my device. Forever. I paid for them. Almost with every update all issues were lost. Or when it forgot my subscription. All issues were lost, again. So I spent much time and bandwidth restoring stuff that was mine. And that’s when it all worked. Which it usually didn’t. And why does the download take so long? A PDF of a whole issue can’t be more than a few megs. What is the problem with putting my issues on my device and leaving them there managed by an app that reliably manages them in all eternity? Without internet connection and without upgrades breaking it all. And with knowing who I am - all the time after I have identified myself. I’m not done yet. Half a year ago one version mirrored half the page so I got a duplicate of half the page but did not see the rest. Even with greatest imagination was I unable to interpolate what the rest would have been. I wrote support (of course without getting ref to my account since support did not know about it. I received a generic reply thanking me for my ‘product improvement’ and that it might be considered in the future. Really? So I spent half a year waiting for a bug fix which was rolled out silently. GEO, you might be in Germany, but your support falls below any standard in any country. Finally, the app is also miserable in handling the display of the pages. Page folds show, navigation is bad and even on a large device the page won’t fit nicely and text is hard to read. I could go on, trust me. If there is a golden turd award for apps then this one will win it, hands down. Every time. Why put up with all this? The content is fantastic and its a way for me to stay connected back to my country of birth. And to widen the scope beyond Nat Geo a bit. Please make it possible for getting the print issue in Australia. I regret being a forerunner to digital subscriptions and want to be able to hold my purchase in my hand and read it easily when I want to and put it back on the shelf where it will stay my property. It’s been a pleasure writing this review since I have no other channel to vent my immense frustration. Let’s hope lots of folks read this and it leads to some improvement. Chris.
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