Functional but occasionally frustrating.
Part of my reason for not trying to use the calendar is because of other issues I’ve had. For example, every confirmation email sent to me verification did not allow me to click the link (I use an old hotmail account still). I actually needed to use a computer to get the web address link from the “button” and type it in manually to my browser search bar, and then it worked. I tried with gmail and no problem like this, but I don’t use my gmail so it’s inconvenient.
Additionally, I can never manage to clear my notifications. I will get an error message in the app or the app will crash. Again, not a major problem but it is inconvenient for sure. A number of bugs still yet to fix to make it all I think it could be.
However, still 4 stars because it’s main goal of organizing events is done well and I haven’t had any issues on that front!
Dobrá appka
Response from developer
Dobrý den, děkujeme za hodnocení. Možnosti nastavení notifikací a sladění mezi aplikací a webem projdou zásadními vylepšení. Neváhejte, prosím, konkrétní tipy na zlepšení posílat na Díky. Sportu zdar!