Sloppy work
Biggest ones I've found so far is when you go to search the current job listings and find a job you want to look at, you can't because a ghost of the search bar follows you up and down the screen. I tried launching it in safari, same deal.
Next one, all the hyper links in the app are non functional. If I want to find out more about a discount program or perhaps click a number or email address so I can immediately contact that person, I can't do that with this app. Why bother hyperlinking anything if you are going to force people to copy and paste everything from what seems to be a PDF eerily similar to the welcome emails one receives when hired on.
The only thing that seems to function properly is the news feed. If that's all you guys really wanted, you could have setup a Facebook page or even a twitter account and gotten better results and for free.
Sorry but this is sloppy work, poor design, and all around a poor showing. I can only hope with a future update it gets better.