This App Has the Most Fundamental of Problems
1. A lousy end-user experience,, the NWSL should be able to competently delivery on this
2. If fans can’t access things, like the schedule when they attempt to visit the site, guess what? Lower viewership.
3. Lower viewership equals less than maximizing results for sponsorship delivery.
4. The NWSL’s web team should actually be able to identify this, they should see an usual amount of abandon visits from their very own popup.
5. Shame on the NWSL web team for not testing and identifying this. As a result you are:
1. Hurting the end user/fan experience
2. You are not delivering as effectively for Sponsors
3. You are hurting the NWSL and the NWSL brand
You need to be much more effective than this. The NWSL is a premium brand, act like it, step up immediately.