Love GoSports
Good not great
Love paintball
I hope to see some paintball rules & basics videos for new people to the sport like my girlfriend who enjoys watching but has no idea what is happening. A few more notable adds…
1. Why is there no stream for the NXL Paris Nation cup?
2. More “mic’d up” moments they give amazing insight to the viewers at home about the on field happenings
3. Better top down camera angles. That’s it, just two cameras above each teams start box would perfectly map the breakouts & give a lot of insight to the strategy to viewers at home.
4. It’s 2023, MORE instant replays what is this baseball?! In all seriousness we need more instant replays, breakdowns of those replays, & for goodness sake give the boys some digital markers to draw breakout lines or shooting lanes on the replay screens for us!
Matty Marshall & Rich Telford are to be protected at all costs! I am a huge sports fan & listen to a ton of sports radio / media. We are too fortunate to have announcers like them with such superior game knowledge in Paintball. It doesn’t hurt their voices are to the tune of beautiful uncapped Angels.
Play on players!