User Reviews: Oevo

Top reviews

  • This App Is Abandoned

    Everything seems to be loading except for videos and profile pictures. Also, I have not seen any updates for two years and I am beginning to think that this is an abandoned app. However, if the developers CAN see this, please update Oevo.
  • Terrible

    I was really looking forward to using this app but I can’t even sign in!!! If I try with Facebook it says that the app is in development mode and doesn’t work yet, I don’t have twitter so I tried email next. When I get to the end where it asks for a picture the process times out and can’t finish. Once these issues are resolved I’d be happy to try again but this was a very rough start
  • It needs to be updated

    I got this app because it has my favorite Viners and when I tried putting a profile picture on my profile it never showed up or load and I’ve tried it more than once and that kinda bummed me out I see other people have there profile pics but not mine and it’s hard when you’re scrolling
  • Needs work and attention

    This could be good but has a lot of bugs I can’t upload from my already made videos and it’s impossible to load a profile picture because it stays stuck on the loading screen. Making videos on this apps a little hard and the viewing of the videos it seems to kiddish. Keep trying this app has potential but needs more
  • It is amazing! But..

    If you made it look more presentable/professional and fixed all the bugs, then it will be an actual good app that everyone can enjoy. I really believe that this can be the next comeback from a “vine” type app. I love this app.
  • Oevo Review

    The app is okay, but also not the best. The user interface is clearly copied off Instagram but it doesn’t perform as well, the videos load slow, the clip previews load for the wrong videos while trying to scroll through creator content, and little gestures used in instagram aren’t applicable so navigating through the app is kinda finicky. Definitely looking forward to see the app fully developed.
  • Multiple audio/ restarts

    I don’t know why there is audio from other videos playing during one video. It happens frequently. Also, I don’t know if it’s supposed to but, when I move the screen just a little bit or starts the oevo video over again. Is this an issue or an intended feature. These are really my only two concerns right now.
  • Just Fix 964 Issues and it’ll be 5 Stars

    I really want to like this app but it has a few issues which get in the way. In no particular order:

    -Sharing videos is absolutely impossible to anyone who doesn’t have the app, which is everyone. I get that you want to spread the app but if linking the video to my friends immediately takes them to the App Store this exactly matches the behavior of scam apps. Clicking on a link which partially loads and then redirects is a massively user unfriendly oversight. It’s so jarring. Let people watch without the app and entice them. What else are they missing? Let’s download to find out! But the current method raises false red flags and has led me, personally, to stop sharing.
    -reoevoing (is that the verb?) videos pulls up a dialog asking me if I’m sure. Why are you asking? Am I not supposed to? Tap yes. Now the app has informed me of what I’ve done in another pop up that I have to close to continue. Oh no. Why? Two pop ups to reoevo D: It should be as easy as liking.
    -I can see the winners, but I don’t really care. I want to see the Oevo video that won, not the user profile.

    I do hope for the best with Oevo. I’m new but I check it every day.
  • Potential

    this app has potential to replace vine, but i have some complaints:

    1.) i’m lost: a tutorial would be helpful; when i’m creating a video/piece there’s buttons that either don’t work, i don’t know what they’re doing, or i don’t know what they do in general.

    2.) crashes frequently: when i try to use the app to its fullest potential when making videos, it usually crashes if i don’t make the video very basic and it’s confusing and frustrating when i try to make videos up to par with other videos i see that have editing like audio over playing video, etc.

    3.) i also really don’t like how you can’t zoom in with the camera while taking a video, or at all for that matter

    4.) flash is very weird during videos; doesn’t activate like a normal flash as it turns on and stays on while making video and editing video. very annoying

    mostly i would like to see a tutorial or explanation for all the tools in making the videos, and bug fixes. exploring made videos is fun tho!
  • Reincarnated

    Apps been updated running smoothly now. Hope it takes off!

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