User Reviews: Knowledge is Power

Knowledge is Power
Knowledge is Power
PlayStation Mobile Inc.

Top reviews

  • I have a few things to say about this game

    This would be a great game if:
    1) There was an option to shut the announcer up, more than half the game is him talking for no reason
    2) if the questions were actually challenging, or got more challenging as it went forward
    3) If there were a way to turn off the extra attacks, because the person who is highest up on the pyramid has zero chance of winning when people are constantly bombarding you with debilitating things
    4) if the pyramid level gave points to the person who got the answer right, not the fastest
    5) and if the questions matched the categories....
    it could be amazing if they actually tried to make it a decent, fair, and challenging trivia game
  • Great game

    Fun game, never seen the same question twice and allowing up to 6 players is perfect for family play.
    I do wish they’d update this version instead of just making new ones (decades) as some of the streamlining in the newer one greatly improves the game. Also, the characters/selfies are definitely better in this version.
  • Pyramid is a joke

    Seriously you don’t even need to know anything to win the game all you have to do is randomly tap the answers at the end the fastest. There’s no penalty for getting the answer wrong you just get to try again and again.
  • Fun at first, but then it becomes obnoxious

    The beginning is very promising! Cute and quirky character selection and funny pictures. The topics are really awesome too!! But then it becomes really annoying since the game gives you the opportunity to sabotage EVERY SINGLE ROUND. It’s just very aggravating and doesn’t really allow for everyone to have the most amount of time.
  • Worst game

    this is the worst game i ever played i do not reccemend this game delelete it as fast as posible this game doesnt work well not enough characters to chose from and to choose a name its only 5 characters to short
  • لماذا لاتكون الغاز لثقافة عربية

    جيد ولكن لو كانت الألغاز تخص الثقافة العربية والتاريخ العربي لوضعت خمس نجوم
  • Great game.

    If you and your family are bored and want to couch party, this is the game to get. The final round takes a long time if you don’t have very many players...only reason why I didn’t give it 5 stars. But, it is certainly enjoyable overall.
  • Fun game but has some problems

    This game is really fun, but it is too hard when playing with many players.

    When players answer questions, the guy who did it first gets much more than the slowest one. In a game with 3 players, the fastest gets 300 and the slowest 100. This is a fair scale of knowledge to speed. But with 6 players, the fastest gets 600 and the slowest 100. This scales speed far above knowledge. And it gets worse the more players.

    In the finale, points are converted into steps, but there aren't nearly enough steps to make this work. It ends up being that the guy in first place only has a head start of about 3 or 4 steps.

    With 3 players, the fastest player goes up 3 steps. But with 6, the fastest player goes up 6 steps, allowing them to scale the entire pyramid in only a few questions. And the slowest players don't accelerate nearly as fast. With enough players, I believe it is possible that the fastest player can scale the ENTIRE PYRAMID with only one question.

    This makes it so that the fastest player wins. If you aren't fast, or if you allow down, you are left in the dust. But the game is about KNOWLEDGE, not speed.
  • Fantastic Family Game

    We play it every Friday, it’s a fun competition. Only thing is it gets a bit repetitive. Not in questions, those are always different, but the Challenges and the Pyramid at the end are a bit boring after multiple plays. Over all, good game. 👍
  • A Few flaws

    Ok the game is really good, but one question asks what continent was the Maya civilization part of and the correct answer is North America. The civilization began on the Yucatán Peninsula which is part of Mexico and Central America which is all part of North America. South America is not the correct answer.

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