NBA 2K Mobile Basketball Game User Reviews

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  • *𝗗𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗟𝗢𝗣𝗘𝗥 𝗣𝗟𝗘𝗔𝗦𝗘 𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗗*♥ My Honest Review

    So I’ve been playing this game for around 3 years now. It has its ups and downs. Starting off with how costly it is to build your own player. You eventually would have to end up buying the my player points with ur in-game coins if you don’t have much patience which is really annoying. How high the skill bars are for your own player is way too long. It would cost you A LOT of my player points to get to full. I forgot to mention: on one bar. I’m not calling the game greedy, but please lower the price if you expect someone to spend in game-currency on points. If there was a quicker way to earn them that would be great. I also think that there should be a more wider variety of your facial structure, and hair. Also entangling with clothes. If events could load quicker than having to wait a whole day that would be awesome!! Packs should be a little cheaper. I mean 2,400 coins for a theme pack and you barley give coins out? The Head to Head feature is insanely laggy. You always say all updated are for bugs but lag is never fixed. I also feel like more coins should be given out on the stat line and the free pack. The game itself deserves a solid 3 stars, just particularly based off those few things.
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  • Mediocre at best.

    Are people actually rating this that high or is it the payed for bots? I originally played this game during the 2022 version and stopped shortly after due to its shortcomings. Well I got bored and decided to give it another go, and I was surprised to see that NOTHING has been improved upon in TWO YEARS! And before I start, this is not a sour grapes review. I’ve played hundreds of games this season in every mode and I can honestly say I’ve lost enough to count on 1 hand.

    That being said the gameplay is atrocious with inconsistent animations, clumsy mechanics, and ai that often seems like watching a peewee game. The online server should be the best part of the game, but is the most disappointing. The difference in the speed of online vs non-online play makes H2H almost unplayable. I could right a book about how many ways the game is geared its marketing and user interface strictly towards taking from its users instead of enriching their experience. The list goes on and on - ex. I still have yet to figure out how stronger defenders cause your players to run slower(?). None of this, and more, has changed in over two years of development. The only saving grace is that the graphics are decent - but presentation over quality is the failure of most all games now. If it looks good it has to be good … right?? It’s just a shame that a smoke and mirrors product is carrying the 2K moniker that has been tied to quality R&D for so long.
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  • To

    Overall I think this is a great game. The gameplay for mobile is amazing and it's entertaining.
    The only thing I ask from developers is to give us a little more control of in game control and rules. Give us the option to turn off auto pass because I'll be driving down the court ready to pull up and I let off the directional stick for one second and my player automatically fires a pass that I didn't press for that often leads to a turnover, which is really annoying. Give us options as to allow which calls to be made in game, for example the three second violation I feel glitches a lot because my player will be called for three seconds but he's not even in the paint which again results in an annoying unnecessary turnover. Lastly give us a few more ways to earn coins, I get y'all trying to make money and I respect but maybe adding coins as a prize for completing a season and winning the finals would be good. That way we're still earning the coins by playing the game and it gives people like me who really can't spare money because it's so tight now a days a chance to get coins to buy packs and level up my teams/players. Anyway like I said overall this is a great game and I love playing it it's really fun and worth the download. 10/10 would recommend to anyone looking for a new game.
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  • Fouls & Other In-Game Calls

    I’d give this game 5 stars if it weren’t for a couple of reasons. The fouls/3 second violation/loose ball fouls, etc. are insanely maddening! 85-90% of the time I go to steal the ball, I get called for a reach-in foul…then, on the very next play, I can go in for a layup and wind up getting thrown a few feet away and landing on the ground, and nothing is EVER called! There hasn’t been a single instance in the 2 years I’ve been playing this where I’ve shot any free throws, except for in the Drills section. Please, for the love of GOD, fix this issue!! Also, at least twice a week, I’ll be in the middle of a quarter in the game and it just turns off and goes straight to the Home Screen on my phone. I’ve thrown my phone across the room before out of sheer anger when this has happened, and it’s been an issue basically since I started playing the game. I’ve let a lot of y’all know about this over the last 2 years, and nothing ever gets done about it. If you care at ALL about the ppl who play your game, then you’ll address these issues. I’ll always play this game til it no longer exists, so we’ll see if anything changes. Thanks for your time!
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  • Nice Game Fix the Glitches and Cheating AI

    Pretty good game to pass the time however if you want to play competitive and move through the ranks get ready to fork over the cash. Otherwise get prepared for a slow hard grind. Also, there are a lot of bugs and glitches that need to be fixed. When on auto if I steal the ball none of my players run towards the ball or they’ll run in the opposite direction. They glitch and run out of bounds, don’t jump for rebounds, even hold the ball till shot clock violation. If the AI doesn’t want you to win then forget it. It’s has been many times I have shot the ball and it hit the rim but the game will call out of bounds. I’ll pass it to a player in the paint and they’ll call 3 second violation. I will miss every shot no matter if yellow or green until the cpu is to far ahead for me to catch up. The cpu has snatched rebounds right through my net and right off the rim without being called for goal tending. Also, no matter what happens the cpu never gets a foul called on them. However I have been called for fouls for pressing steal without even being next to the player. A few months in playing this game and I have yet to shoot a free throw but the cpu if stealing the ball right through my player from behind. I like it but it would be so much better if my players, and controls didn’t glitch and the AI didn’t blatantly cheat.
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  • The first time you can get the same amount as a regular person

    Please let us know what we need to bring and what we can get you for your next trip to meal or for the other year’s meals that we will need from you in order of food to be prepared thank your mom and dad and dad love them both very happy with you both have the best birthday wishes and happy Mother of Thousands happy Mother Day to all you girls love them all and please let me know when you get back and I can give the kids a hug for me to give you some money and I’ll be sure that I am very excited for the kids to come and visit them for the next couple days to celebrate with them for you and your family love and I will be praying that they are going out for a good Mother Earth is a very happy Mother’s Great Mother’s and I love them both very much love us both have a good Mother of all things have a good night love mom I hope you’re doing good I hope you’re staying well I love mom I hope you’re enjoying your day and have fun with the family I hope you’re feeling good and have fun love mom love mom love mom love dad love mom love grandma mom love you love you mom love mom bye and I hope you have a great day love dad mom dad we love you mom love by the way love you mom dad love dad mom and dad love you mom Gusty dad love you dad love mom love you grandma dad love dad and dad love mom and daddy and grandma and dad love dad love you love dad love dad to dad dad love the best thing
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  • Rigged.

    This game is awesome. It’s just so rigged. During the events, if an npc has only a my team pwr 1,000 higher than my pwr, I miss all of my shots. I would be wide open, shooting with my point guard, and airball? Another thing, when I am winning, only like 4 seconds left on the clock and the other team only needs one more 3 to win, they make the hardest shot ever for the win. One time, I kept having to redo this tourney because they kept making half court shots, full court shots, and it was annoying. Also, whenever I am dribbling the ball into the paint, and the other team’s pwr is higher than my by like 1,000, I will lose the ball immediately and they would steal the ball, and go for the dunk, layup, or shot. It is very annoying. Just because the other team’s pwr is higher by only 1000, doesnt mean you have to make me always lose the ball, miss, airball, and more! Please fix this. It is very annoying. One last thing, if you could lower the prices for the packs, that’d be amazing! There was one pack that was like 15,000 coins if I remember, and I checked how much that was, that was over $100 for virtual cards! So please, fix this. But overall, amazing game. I love the new Victor update! (I don’k know how to spell the last name) So keep up the work, and please can you fix this rigged situation? 😄
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  • Devs please read

    I really love this game but I have some suggestions. First of all, I’m playing tourneys in the topaz series and I still mananged to get only a 2000 PWR player. I think you should increase the chances of great players the further you go into the game and the higher your PWR becomes. But you shouldn’t increase it so much, that you can get courtside series lamelo by playing for 3 days. Also, you should add some more players and more cards for these players, like Jordan Poole . His lower PWR rating is 44,000 which is a lot. So you should add cards with lower PWR for some players. My final suggestion is to make players be able to play 2 positions, take Jordan Poole again for example. He is a shooting guard, but he should be able to play point guard too. Lebron may be a small forward, but he should be able to play power forward too. Please add this feature, because I’m sure there are a lot of players out there with a 60k PWR Tatum but they can’t use him because they have a 70k power jimmy butler. This feature would be useful in this case, because if you still had maybe a 30k power Power forward, you could put tatum in power forward. PLEASE ADD THESE FEATURES
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  • Please fix the Golden Meter!

    Iam beginning to get really irritated about The Golden Meter release, whenever I receive this effect I automatically assume my shot will land, but it ends up falling flat and bouncing off the hoop, it’s almost like a tease, I can never fully count on this effect to guarantee a bucket like the green meter effect will provide me. Fix this ASAP. Why add the feature if it leads to a failed bucket? Only rarely does this effect land a shot I make. Either remove it completely, or fix it to where the shoot you take will land, and not completely miss. (Update) - Apparently I missed the entire point of the effect, it’s supposed to depend on the player attribute, and shot difficulty, but in all honesty even that doesn’t make sense, why even add the feature at all? it’s flat out misleading. I would either recommend removing it or making it a guaranteed bucket like the green effect. I just don’t understand what exact difference the gold effect would have if it serves the same purpose as the blue effect time (“The (OK” meter). There is nothing unique about the golden release effect what’s so ever, and it’s saddening because visually it looks amazing, but it leads to nothing but an effect tease, and a wasted shot that misses half the time. All in all This game is near perfect, so please don’t overlook this review. Send me feedback as i am doing to you, so I can understand this better, and we can fix this issue or for the very least work around it. 👍
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  • Great Game but PLEASE READ

    I have been playing this game for a year now and- I think it’s a great game! I love the seasons and the crews. I love just love the animations in this game. I have a great time playing it and.. I’m just so happy with it! I’ve been fiddling around in the game and found out some fun to do and play. I am a suns, lakers, warriors and finally bucks fan! The way you have them rated are the best and make them better then they look in a real game. But, I wish that you would have more of a percentage of the shots actually go in the hoop, because about one percent of my shots go in and it really, really annoying to just be shooting a three and it gonna go swish but it doesn’t and it hit the rim goes in the hoop but then goes back out. Another request, fouling, when I am halfway across court from the person who has the ball, they call a foul on me, For no reason. And then when someone fouls me they don’t call the foul… Like Cmon fix that. I get pushed and pushed in games and they don’t call a foul, I only have one foul this whole time I have been playing. Please fix this please! Finally can the 3v3 crew games be a bit more fair? I have to Play against these complete gods in the game when I just started. Please fix this and thank you for reading this.
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