Changes could be made
It works really well as an app to see who’s able to attend what concert without having to do too much chasing down of people.
However, I advise that two major changes could be made.
1) I have the iOS 11.3.1 update and I often find that whenever I open the app to confirm that I can do a job, it just crashes every couple minutes without saving changes. Therefore I recommend to be looked at quite urgently.
2) It’s nice to know who’s attending a concert that’s in your section because that way you can plan in advance in terms of who’s needed for the rehearsal. No point having six people in a section for rehearsal if there’s only two from said section doing the concert.
However, I advise that two major changes could be made.
1) I have the iOS 11.3.1 update and I often find that whenever I open the app to confirm that I can do a job, it just crashes every couple minutes without saving changes. Therefore I recommend to be looked at quite urgently.
2) It’s nice to know who’s attending a concert that’s in your section because that way you can plan in advance in terms of who’s needed for the rehearsal. No point having six people in a section for rehearsal if there’s only two from said section doing the concert.
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