Great idea for low-level soaring
I’ve been monitoring basic adsbexchg data in my glider to see other nearby aircraft, but that’s all just phone visual. I really like avtraffic audible alerts based on predictive positions, or if cell internet lost. Should work great where I fly and cell towers are common. Can’t really test until spring, but ground testing seems excellent.
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Great visual reference to traffic
Great little app that is very useful and integrates easily to EFB. Highly recommended.
Great app
I only wish it were available on Android with ability to run off rtl-sdr dongle
Updates added air nav pro to automatic opening … further update now charges.
Outstanding App
I hope it takes off. The more users the better The coverage. Integration with Ozrunways is very useful
Not everyone can afford ADS-B, this is the closest thing that comes to it. It’s an amazing concept, even more amazing is the app. Definitely a must have just like an ELT is for pilots if it’s not more important.
Great app
Great app for ‘seeing’ other traffic that doesn’t appear on your EFB.
If you could integrate this with an EFB (AvPlan etc.) so that you don’t need to flick between applications, that would be much appreciated!
If you could integrate this with an EFB (AvPlan etc.) so that you don’t need to flick between applications, that would be much appreciated!
Great app to enhance safety.
Fantastic app, especially when integrated with an EFB. Look forward to further developments, and will be happy to pay when it is time.