User Reviews: The Pillars of the Earth Game

Top reviews

  • Listen to the reviews...

    ...I should have. The game itself seems fun and the story seems intriguing but it doesn’t matter because the controls are awful. Any screen interruption throws the calibration off. I had to restart the game 10+ times last night just to play a total of 5 minutes of actual gameplay. Uninstalled until that’s fixed.
  • So many glitches

    Game is beautiful and interesting — but it is full of glitches.

    Touch screen interface doesn’t always work, have to restart and replay parts of the level.

    To bypass glitches, simply save your progress before leaving the app and then do a hard shutdown of the app. When you restart just choose continue and you should be good to go.

    If you go back into the app without doing this, controls and on-screen choices don’t work right.

    Hey devs, just so you know - apple keeps deleting my sparkling 5 star reviews for your game.

    I had written a well thought-out review touching on everything (even some audio improvements I felt were needed)..but I thought you should know since deleting my review will negatively effect your games score.

    I will keep reposting my 5 star review, but I think you should ask apple why they are messing around with customer reviews that could potentially effect the sale of your game.
  • Love this game but hate the glitches

    The game is beautiful but I have had to restart the game once from the beginning when Phillip was going to see the bishop and now it’s stuck when he is trying to see the jailer. It makes me sad because I’m thinking of giving up on the game due to the frustration
  • Best app

    The graphics are beautiful and the story is gud
  • Amazing

    I don’t know what the other reviewers are talking about. I played the whole game, no issues with controls. There’s a tutorial at the very beginning to teach how to navigate. It’s not complicated. The puzzles are a lot of fun, but you’re not spending 30 minutes trying to figure them out. The music is really pretty, the art is nice, the characters are really loveable. Your choices actually make a difference in the storyline. You could easily replay it again and again. You can save at any point and have a lot of save slots. So as long as you save, you can go back to whichever part you want to replay.
  • Good so far

    Amazing game so far, would be better if I didn’t have to restart and lose progress from glitches. Sometimes the settings button disappears, and the main problem is that the calibration is off so much when I return to the game or after a cutscene that I can’t select any of the items on the bottom of my screen. It usually resets if I close the app but that results in losing game progress since I can’t save before I quit. Otherwise: beautiful artwork, compelling storyline, and interesting characters with impressive voiceovers. Worth the money even with the small glitches. Great work!
  • This is such a great game!

    I love this game. The glitches were minor and didn’t detract from the experience at all. Plus they are working on the glitches. I played twice back to back so I could make different choices and see what that changed! Can’t wait to play the next chapters!
  • Game is a good game, but the game itself has many bug.

    I do not understand why I play this game often touch-off, I ordered after half a day without response. My phone is not a bad model per se, but playing your game still doesn't work. I hope that you can solve this problem as soon as possible, otherwise really wasted such a good picture quality, and this theme.
  • Extraordinary game

    Admittedly, I haven’t gone very far in the game yet. BUT it is definitely unique. Everything is animated, the art is great. The music is great, and they even included voice overs. You can tell that the devs worked very hard on this project. I haven’t experienced any glitches yet, but even with the little things here and there, this game has SO much potential. If you like story games and point and click adventures, this is for you. I haven’t seen a game done like this before. Give it a chance!

    And well done to everyone involved in the making of this game :)

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