There’s a phrase the Buddha used in the Pali language, EhiPassiko, which means come and see for yourself. This deck reminds me of that passage. No one is telling you how to feel or what to do. It’s you, your consciousness and intuition drawing the cards guiding you. No outside influence. That’s what a true teacher does. Provide pointers, signposts. The rest is up to you. This tool is just that. Come and see for yourself.
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Both decks/apps
These card decks are deceptively simple. I love that they don’t require interpretation like a Tarot or Tarot-inspired deck does. I feel as if, when I turn over a card, the concept enters through my solar plexus and suddenly I have a new perspective on my situation. The only thing you need to add is your open mind and open heart.
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Fascinating and compelling
Each card contains wisdom and spiritual guidance that is easily understood and applied. A cool tool to stay centered and balanced!