User Reviews: Cadenza

Top reviews

  • Another great Cadenza game

    These are the best made hidden adventure games! I have all of them and this latest one didn't disappoint. Challenging yet do-able with fun storyline, well developed characters, and beautiful graphics. Awesome!
  • Awesome!!

    This game was so enjoyable! Great story, great graphics, some interactive HOS. The puzzles were too easy (grr), but that did not detract from the game. You have collectibles in every scene, and morphing items in the HOS, and after the game you can go back and find the ones you missed. In the bonus game you play as two characters that switch back and forth. So fun! A really well thought out and entertaining game!
  • Cadenza: Fame, Theft and Murder by LynxMinx

    Note to all gamers: Since there was no trial for the new Five BN game, I didn’t feel it was worth the hefty price. I found that all you did in the game was fix equipment and forge items, no variation in the HO scenes, mostly dull rotational puzzles. It was a good game but not fabulous. The storyline was not at all original. A price tag of $2.99 or $3.99 would have been more in line with this game because it was short! So I decided to share information for those of you who are unsure about purchasing it.

    On to this game: I could pick it totally apart, but I genuinely enjoyed playing it, especially for the sale price. You could customize settings. There wasn’t a true journal but objectives were regularly updated. The graphics were colorful 1950’s era, the decade during which I was born. Yes, before computers and tablets! The graphics could have been crisper but at least they weren’t pitch black. There was a marked teleport map to transport you between locations, albeit not quite instantaneously. Unfortunately it was located inconveniently under the Menu, and I hate exiting a game to access it. Luckily this game was quite linear so you didn’t even really need a map. At each location you must collect a treble clef record symbol, and morphing objects were confined to the HO scenes. Inventory was labeled and interactive and there were complex items to assemble. The HO scenes had some variation and were enjoyable to play. The puzzles/games were mostly simplistic but I was entertained by this game anyway. I didn’t seem to encounter too much in the way of touch screen sensitivity issues. With this developer you shouldn’t need to drag items or tools. You are better off clicking the inventory tool you want to use and then clicking the area where you are applying the inventory item. It worked brilliantly when I stopped trying to drag tools. If something doesn’t work, odds are it is not the correct inventory item! Mad Head did update the game in a very timely manner and I did not find the quality assurance to be problematic. The storyline wasn’t all that original (switching bodies to gain immortality)but I liked the crime (as opposed to horror) genre in which it was used. One asset that Mad Head brings to the table is the way in which you must turn items up and down, or side to side, to further your investigation and find items and clues. I wish all developers allowed us the luxury of inventory item manipulation! This developer also has a good sense of humor; some of the banter and dialogue is somewhat comical.
    My main quibbles with this game were: length (short even with the bonus adventure), having to exit the game to access the map, objectives and notes, and for dialogue remaining on the screen for long periods of time, and popping up repeatedly while you are trying to search. However I must rate a game not only on features but on whether I enjoyed it, and for me this was almost addictive! So my rating will remain at 4 stars. Of course there was no new game today but I sure hope we get a new one for New Year’s, and we are due for EIPIX or Elephant.
    Once again, has anyone figured out why they added the word “Premium” to BigFish games and if it’s significant in any way?
    Happy New Year to everyone! Happy gaming!
  • Stupenza Credenza!

    This was a good solid HO adventure game. Definitely worth the $2.99. Puzzles were decent and the storyline was fluid. The guitar music was a nice change,too. And watch BF production’s LIVE PD show on TV! It’s amazing!
  • So so

    The different story line intrigued me, but I guess I just don't like playing any more without a map.
  • Stupid

    Not sure what all the great reviews are all about. Maybe they were playing a different game than I was. I found this game beyond stupid with some actions making absolutely no sense at all. You hold on to a compass for a long time, can’t open it with a sharp knife or any other logical object and then randomly it opens with a butter knife?? The music was annoying and the main character has really weird facial expressions. Some of the puzzles made no sense or were so easy it almost felt pointless. Even on sale this game wasn’t worth buying! Can’t delete it fast enough!
  • Who "Stole" the Music?

    This series is known for its fusion of catchy musical scores and suspenseful murder mysteries. Each game brings a distinct musical style that defines a particular culture, such as we saw in "Cadenza: Havana Nights." Unfortunately, this game is missing the biggest star of this series -- the music. An occasional riff of the electric guitar does little to immerse me into what should be the greatest asset of the storyline, and I am disappointed that the music lacks interpretation. This game introduces the intriguing and refreshing idea of body swapping, which reminds me of the similarly conveyed idea in the horror-oriented novel, "Tale of the Body Thief," written by the Queen of Horror -- in my opinion -- Anne Rice. The characters, as well as the dialogue, are raw and compelling, typical of this developer. The developer tried to portray settings that give a 1950's vibe -- old convertibles, in open-air mode; the drive-in restaurants, serviced by uniformed car hops, getting around on roller skates; and the juke boxes from those golden years -- but the results seem superficial. The graphics could use some polishing to sharpen up the details, but the coloration is light and lively. You can customize your settings. The inventory is labeled and interactive; items require assembly. In custom mode, the teleport map facilitates brisk travel to labeled locations and indicates available actions. Transition between scenes is smooth and quick. This developer steadily incorporates into their series the trendy technique of turning around objects to interact with their other sides. A continual trademark of this developer is the implementation of side-by-side visual strips comprising dialogue and action sequences, indicative of Film Noir. The interactive HOSs are sometimes multi-layered and always highly engaging. I love the one in which you find items of food at the drive-in. The puzzles are cleverly integrated into the musical theme of the storyline. The collection sets blend well into the background; one set is discovered within the HOSs. There are a few setbacks, though, that diminish my overall impression. I have been experiencing touch sensitivity issues within the last several games from this developer. Immediate responses to my touch interaction are frequently delayed, resulting in multiple tries before acquiring items. Furthermore, accessing the map from under the Menu is an extra chore; why it can't be placed on the main interface is beyond me. To sum it up, this installment is not my favorite within the storytelling and musical departments. However, enough creativity and diversity are present to elevate gameplay and to maintain my attention as I progress. For the reasons previously set forth, my true rating of 3.5 stars is raised to a final 4 stars.
  • Unique and fresh

    Unlike others, I had no technical issues at all. This game was a breath of fresh air, with a topic far from gothic murder mysteries and fairy tales. Big thumbs up from me.
  • Awful Touch Response

    I have to double or triple tap every object. The response is slow and it gets aggravating. I wouldn’t buy it again.
  • Wacky, Fascinating, Fun!

    Needs a faster refresh rate. Occasionally hard to find record/music note objects.

    Beautiful graphics, several HOPs and games. Intriguing plot. Long-playing. I can’t wait for the next Cadenza game. Bravo!

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