User Reviews: Nevertales

Top reviews

  • Game glitch

    I experienced the same issue as some others reported. In the western town, it reset at the start of it, then would not let me go any further. Tried to restart game, but still was stuck at the scene. It occurred a couple minutes after I purchased the unlock. Incredibly frustrating.
  • Love Love Love this game!

    It’s so intriguing and thought provoking. Made me feel like I was in a episode of Rick and Morty 😁
  • Big fish

    I love it
  • Excellent

  • Horrible interface/UI

    Could be good but the interface is horrible! You can barely see anything. Everything is microscopic. You can’t see the names of the tools almost at all theyre so small. You can barely tell where in a scene is clickable. And even after you click on areas they often times dont respond respond. The game is actually good if they could completely fix the entire UI.
  • Enjoyed it!

    Innovative gameplay, such as the elevator minigames, lift this allotment above the norm. The game is fairly long. You can go back and get any collectibles/morphing objects that you missed. Puzzles were easy to medium. Hops were list, silhouette, and interactive, with some novel approaches. The story, while interesting, could have been more satisfying if the main characters were more fleshed out. Lots of achievements to win. Overall a solid 4 star game.

    Just add walker with tennis balls.

    Throughout the "game" I had to practically throw my IPhone in order to activate objects.

    Which made the elevator mini game with that geriatric lame old man incessant spouting off... SO incredibly BORING & frustrating...and without a SKIP option.

    🙈Who wants to see -much less interact with - a dusty old man with a gravelly voice..?
    Sporting thick glasses, a plaid oxford and Mom jeans?
    I can hear his diapers crunching.

    😭The redundancy is KILLING ME.
    Having to select NINE individual objects in the Mini-Game? Rather than add them as a group?

    Same with other items crawling along senior citizens way...
    it only adds slag time...
    it's slow and decrepit...
    Oh wait!
    Now I get it!
    The old man is the "poster boy"!

    I just can't get past the storyline:

    The primary coloring? 🔻🔹🔸
    SERIOUSLY?! And without a SKIP lifeline?

    🖊The HINT pen spinning around in a circle served NO purpose- was excessively distracting and added lag to the process.


    🤔The game itself was WAY too short, and again, didn't have enough cool, inventive and challenging HOP/Mini-Games or interesting new ideas to make it worth while.

    I do appreciate, as always, the really brilliant realistic graphics, colors and scenery.

    I would like to see more from MAD HEAD Games, (Neighbors with ELEPHANT in Serbia) but really super ramped up, as complex and challenging as possible.

    🙏🏻I am desperate for a new, fresh and exciting game to come out ASAP -something to wipe away the cobwebs from the latest slew of mediocrity ...please.

    Especially donning PREMIUM Banners... disgracing the word.

    It's barely unleaded...ha.

    Miss LC in SF
  • Bug makes game unable to finish

    I enjoyed the game thru the first half. Some puzzles were too difficult making it hard to not rely on hints. In the whole there were some really good ones as well. This would have led to a more favorable review if that is all there was.

    On the second half of the game, the part they say makes it a collectors edition, I got stuck. Literally. While trying to figure out a puzzle I used the back key 3 times to make sure I had gotten all the collection items. It took me back to the elevator. No matter what I tried I could not go forward again. Even clicking the four y button and having it pop the arrow to move forward no amount of clicking on the screen allowed me to continue my play.

    I noticed the company had gotten good review for previous games. My request of the designers going forth would be to do like other games where u can click on the map to fast travel to any area you already have been too. With that I could have completed the game and have given a much better review than only two stars.
  • It was fine

    It was ok, I didn’t hate it, I didn't love it.
    It wasn’t my favorite Nevertales. That may be why I was somewhat disappointed, I usually really enjoy this series. It took me forever to finish the game because it wasn’t as interesting to me.
  • Tea☕️D🍆US👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

    Ever pray to flipping finish a game just because you paid got it an want it to be over. Tedious is a compliment

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