User Reviews: League of Light

Top reviews

  • Nice

    I did enjoy the game and didn’t think it was overly short. Maybe not as long as some but also not ridiculously short like some are saying. Maybe they skipped some puzzles? Cut scenes? Which will shorten the game. Otherwise, it had everything we look for in this genre and no glitches. Better than average game. My big question is why did we go a week without a new game and why didn’t we get a new Sunday night/Monday game this week? Are we back to the one game a week crap again? Bf has become so inconsistent and not reliable! Used to be a new game every day then two a week and now it’s whenever it fancies them? Ugh! There are limited games like these available so depend on you!
  • Nice features, discombobulated but exciting storyline, missing 51% of the population.

    This is a really fun one. Two special features: You can choose whether to use a little buddy or not; and something I always want- during games you can get a hint rather than having to skip the whole game. And games are fun and quite varied. Whether you like this better or not, you finish scenes rather soon and there is less running around. It is easier that way but less challenging. (That was a little redundant..).

    Kudos to you if you can follow some kind of storyline. However, there is a ton of storyline and cut-away scenes, so it is exciting.

    It is pretty glitchy as you can try to do something many times before you succeed.

    The star removed is because there is Not. One. Female. Character. In the entire thing. Really, was this on purpose? The closest it came was a grave site where one stone was labeled daughter, and the other, wife. Who writes these things? Are we in a time warp? Did anyone notice the 1950s are over?

    This during Big Fish supposedly celebrating Women’s History Month!
  • Wonderful & Fun

    I personally loved the game. I didn’t find it short at all- as other players seemed to. I also thought it was a blast to play. Lots of different puzzles and the graphics were excellent. I thought the storyline was kind of different too. Two thumbs up for me.
  • I like this series

    Interesting story line and creative puzzles.
  • Justice Is Denied!: This Is Out Of My League!

    Based on the completion of the demo only:

    Sorry, but this is not the level of gameplay that I expect to become enamored with after waiting ten days for a new and exciting release. The storyline is both predictable and absurd; however, I won't give it away.

    In my opinion, the overall production is inadequate. The cut-scenes are fuzzy. The scant background music does little to enhance the foreboding ambiance. Likewise, the occasional environmental sounds — namely, the startling torturous screams — seem inefficacious.

    Inventory usage is predictable and tedious — too many keys that open drawers, chests, etc. The teleport map, in custom mode, will transport you to labeled locations that indicate available actions. Furthermore, the map marks the locations in which you can discover a collectible. We are graced by a "back" button in both the HOSs and the locations to obviate unwarranted back and forth travel. The game is technically sound. Transition is speedy, and I did not encounter any glitches.

    During the free trial, there are enough HOSs and puzzles to determine that the gameplay lacks innovative qualities and reasonable challenge. The assorted HOSs are interactive, and they are creatively executed; I love those "Find and Use" fashions. However, they are devoid of trend-setting techniques. The puzzles present a dearth of challenge; they are mindlessly solvable and boring. The collectibles are well blended into the background; an indicator is located on the right side of the inventory bar.

    A positive aspect is that this developer affords us the rare opportunity to choose from several vocal options — including one to disable the voice — for the Protagonist. After sampling both the male and female options, I went with the omnipresent female voice. The voice of the male was downright bizarre — low-pitched, hasty, and jittery. The developers erred in the programming of the vocal options because the depiction of the male avatar that appears while your character is thinking is incompatible with the female voice, if chosen. Another interesting option is that you can choose to use a helper throughout the game — it does not affect gameplay or the storyline.

    I think that the total playtime of this game is going to be short-lived. Even with the steady back and forth, I still flew through each location, completing each task in breakneck speed. After the free trial, I was left unimpressed by the novice-leveled difficulty, as well as the mundane gameplay, and hence the inability of the free trial to persuade me to purchase the game.
  • Love, Love This Game!

    Finally, a slick and professional, creative game! Too many mediocre games preceded it.

    Beautiful graphics, very engrossing plot, very creative puzzles and HOGs, very fast refresh rate (1 second), wonderful sound track, hidden objects to find are owls and various people, excellent animation.

    The only downside is the Apple Task Bar on the bottom of the screen.

    I love this game and didn’t want it to end! More, please!
  • Enjoying

    Just started but entertained. Give it a try. Notice: this may not be as short as we think. Last chapter and bonus chapters are both long ones. Even so, I am restricting how many chapters I play per day to get me thru the weekend.
  • Short

    Too short:/
  • Terrible

    Nothing more to say-Rehash game that is short & not that engrossing in play, even with little pumpkin boy.
  • iPhone X support!

    Glad to finally see a BFG with iPhone X support. The game looks beautiful only marred by crApple’s piss poor decision to leave that ugly task switcher icon on all the time (not the fault of any developer). Nonetheless, this is a fantastic game. Love it.

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