User Reviews: 100 Doors

Top reviews

  • The SOLE purpose of this app ...

    … is to get you to spend $$. Since lots of the clues do not make sense, you have to pay to get coins for clues. For example, in level 8, the math operands do not lead to the correct conclusion… that is, if you follow math rules correctly. Also, some of the word combinations to unlock a safe do not make any sense at all. For example, the word combination on a safe featuring a drawing of a sun is “cloud” because there’s a drawing of a cloud on the wall. At least use *some* semblance of logic!
  • In what world....

    Clues are poor. In one, they claim 8+6x3/9(I assume it’s a nine because the 9 on a clock in a previous screen was written backwards too)=10. Now my math says 14x3=42. Divide by any whole number and you never get 10.
    Another clue: Labor Day answer: 0501. Not in the USA.
  • This game is good but...... please read

    It looks super easy but when u download it’s like u can finger out a little of them but when u get higher and higher u might need a little help to play it ..... but this game is a very good one
  • The answers to half of these makes no sense!!

    Please explain how you came up with some of these answers? For example, 2137 from the shoes on level 26 makes absolutely NO sense!! There aren’t even any walkthroughs for help after level 20. The games itself is fun, as most escape games are, but I think some of these are just random numbers.
  • Escape 100 doors

    Love it
  • Got to level 7

    Level 7 makes no sense at all to me. Even the in-game clue gives you the combination to the safe in the box but I have no idea how that number is arrived at. The game is also non-responsive to tapping on items often. I’ve tapped on things multiple times to get it to respond. So it’s hard to tell if you’re tapping on something that should have a response or not. Too much trouble.
  • Good for phones

    Some escape games are too obscure for phones. This one, while occasionally challenging, has pretty easy to read graphics.
  • I love this game!

  • Great challenges!

    Keeps my brain thinking outside the box! Love the challenge!!
  • Good game

    This game really puts you mind to a test

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