Mario Kart Tour User Reviews

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  • Unable to play because of update

    Don’t waste your money or your time with this app. I tried to update for the new Princess Tour and the update is so slow that it freezes and crashes the app. I’ve done everything from uninstalling then reinstalling the app, turning off cellular data then turning it on, turning on airplane mode then turning it back off, and shutting off and restarting my phone itself. I have a lot of storage space so that isn’t the issue. I’ve battled with this for the last 4 hours and the app will reinstall but it’s extremely slow. When the app finally is installed I try to download the current tour only for me to just get a “communication error” and the update is extremely slow and will go up only to the 27% and it will not download at all, resulting me in having to do all of the above again. I’ve invested so much progress and a lot of my hard earned money into this game only for me not being able to play it at all let alone access it and get my progress back. Because of an update the app is useless and will not install at all and I got ripped off and scammed. This app is a scam. I’ll never install any app that comes from this company because now I can’t install and play the game at all anymore plus all my progress is gone and my money spent is wasted because of ONE UPDATE. This is ridiculous and I want all of my money I’ve spent on this worthless app refunded on my card. Pure utter trash. Don’t bother. Waste of time and money.
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  • It’s a game

    The one thing of note is that you don’t have to pay to play, however paying gets you farther along from unlocking all the characters faster, but if you are going to spend money on this game the only thing you should be getting is the subscription, the prices for rubies are stupid at $2 for 4 and you can’t even get anything with 4. And they just changed the whole buying pipes method which makes everything a lot worse off for gems.
    Now with money out of the way this isn’t exactly mario cart as the tracks are all changed with jumps and ramps and other stuff to keep the game interesting, there are points you will earn to try and get the most stars and objectives to complete to get gems gold and stickers as well as some objectives unlock drivers, there are ranked cups where you compete to get prizes and until you get some better characters the odds are you won’t place, there are quite a few hackers in the online play that make themselves invincible with is annoying but it’s what you get when you play with others. Cups change every few weeks so you don’t play the same places all the time as they cycle through there are some annoyances but otherwise it’s a fine game
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  • Regarding the recent shop overhaul- we STILL need to talk about rubies

    So, MKT recently overhauled it’s shop to include Daily Spotlights of high-end drivers, carts and drivers- a great idea that I like, along with slightly more frequent opportunities to fire gold pipes (and regular ones, which the current tour is including in tour gifts). But now that brings me to the PROBLEM with the new shop, especially with the Daily Spotlights. Every single one is payable only in rubies, ranging in price from 100 to 150 rubies. And they’re not the only things priced only in rubies. And rubies are neither common nor cheap, so what does that mean for those players, like myself, who cannot afford to plunk down for rubies (3 now cost $1.99- just 3- to give you a little idea of the real-world money cost, and again, the Spotlight cost 100-plus rubies each) every time a driver they (or I) have been waiting to get becomes available? I hope this means that, with so much priced only in rubies, that the rubies will become more easily obtainable in larger amounts and for less money (or better yet, for free, and WITHOUT having to complete, or buy, challenge cards or come in first to third on a ranked course). Hopefully they do make the ruby system fairer- it would only BE fair to F2P players, like me.
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  • Basically all good but there are two things

    Mario kart is basically all good. All the directions are simple for first time players, It’s super easy to get on at anytime, and there are lots of different players, karts, and gliders to choose from. However there are a two things I think should change. Thing One: It should be easier to get rubies. Rubies can be collected from challenges, the shop, the ranking, and pipes, but it really isn’t enough to get hi-ends out of the pipes. Even when you’re really lucky and get a hi-end, then it’s very hard to get rubies for the next pipe you want to fire. So if there were more ways to get rubies- also in larger quantities, that would be ideal.
    Thing Two: There should be trading in this game. It is really hard to get hi-ends. As I said, If you get nothing from a pipe and your out of rubies, that’s basically your only chance to get those hi-ends especially after the tour passes. The players could come back in at some point but not after a really long time. If there was trading, players could get more hi-ends they want by trading ones you don’t wan’t. Everyone wants different things and sees your bad for good trades as… bad for good! This means that if you miss a tour that had a driver you really really wanted, you could get in a super quick way! I have a lot of drivers I don’t want and are ready to trade. I’m pretty sure everyone’s asking for trading.
    So those are two things I think will make everyone happy.
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    My feelings towards this game are sort of a love and hate type of thing. In the beginning I loved it more for nostalgic reason than anything else, but that only lasted but so long. I eventually developed a hate for game bc I realized in order to stay competitive I’d have to spend real money something I was not willing to do, so I stopped playing all together. Fast forward some months later I began playing again, and I dreadfully decided to get the gold pass, and even made a few random purchases on ruby’s, and a couple other small bundles which I admit it got me excited to keep playing again, but eventually it felt stagnant once again only this time it cost me money. I get it they have to make money that’s not really my problem with the game. My problems are one being the whole raffle based spending of your rubies (which you more than likely paid for) the odds you get anything useful are super slim. Two I don’t like how you can’t level up off racing alone, the whole needing point tickets (which are super hard to get) to level up karts,glider’s, and characters that you’ve already earned (or paid for) is just a bit ridiculous. Last the cups are all the same maps just randomized with one new themed course ran again and again paired with the same characters in new outfits. I wish they offered different elements and actual modes of gameplay instead.
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  • Considerably Harder Without “Gold Pass”

    As someone who has deactivated Gold Pass after two years subscribed; Mario Kart is considerably harder with the $5 a month subscription. One race I finished in first but the AI flew ahead as my wheels touched the finish line and the game observably changed “1st” to “2nd”. There have been far more projectiles experienced after discontinuing Gold Pass. I think Nintendo’s push for monetizing this game is strong. Due to the evident push for monetization for this game; I’d rather quit than resubscribe. After two years of premium prices the game has been slow to innovate or make any real changes. It feels like there’s only one new course per update and the rest of the courses are heavily recycled if the full tour is played. Nintendo rarely has sales across all their games and I can see that some of that is due to the care and innovation they install in their games. Where many games today are pushed out based on false pretenses and incomplete. However Nintendo’s premium prices do not seem justified for Mario kart and there appears to be more greed than innovation and care. The real life costs to clear a character pipe are insane and it’s only for a few select items. AND there’s more than one pipe at the same expensive rate each event. Mario Kart on the phone is just a big money grab from Nintendo in my opinion. I think Nintendo should re-evaluate Mario kart for mobile.
    Thank you if you took the time to read all this!
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  • It’s an ‘ok’ game that has so many potentials of improvement

    So overall the game is ok, it’s not that lazy and is not a quick cash grab. The graphics are really nice, especially on a big and vibrant screen like the iPhone XR or 13. To me, the graphics are almost console quality, it’s similar to Mario Kart Wii which was a great game I grinded nonstop back then so yeah it gave me nostalgia too. The gameplay is same ol Mario Kart, the tracks are made very well, the models for everything too are well made and sometimes it gives me Mario Kart 8 vibes.

    The only complaint I have right now is the multiplayer mode and the controls. Let’s start with the controls, it’s a bit hard to control sometimes. I know it’s meant to be intuitive and simple or “minimalistic” or whatever but sometimes it’s just very hard to control. And finally the multiplayer mode, ok ima be real honest enough it’s dog water. The local multiplayer is not even real-time so my friends and I didn’t really enjoy it that much because we’re literally just racing with bot versions of our friends character and kart. Like bruh. The multi mode took an L. I hope Nintendo fixes this so the multiplayer is real-time not racing with BOTS!!!

    That’s all from me thank you.
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  • Disgusting cashgrab.

    Avoid at all costs. For what you would think would be a children’s game, it is definitely not. Premium items are ridiculously priced. It costs a fortune to even attempt to get some of the better items. Worst yet, controls are atrocious. Everything being connected to the touch screen causes so many issues. It is supposed to be that you swipe up or down to use items but the majority of the time you’ll use them just by simply turning left or right. The controls also lack precision. It is next to impossible to make a slight adjustment to your movement as opposed to a proper control stick.

    Beyond this, the gameplay is repetitive. All you basically do is race against CPUs that will continuously cheat, outspeed and prioritize attacking the player. Yes, they’re flat out faster than you. The items also heavily favor them as it is 7 vs. 1. And the worst part of this is that YOU GET PUNISHED FOR LOSING! Yes, you have a player rank that goes up based on your position. Why would you PUNISH someone playing your game for something that is often out of their control? And they also expect you to also drive perfectly, get combos to complete missions, without them interfering! (Better get a lot of $$$$$ to increase the better items you can get while racing!!!!)

    As someone who enjoyed the previous entries on the consoles, this is disgusting to see what has become of this franchise. My biggest regret is giving this game any sort of money.
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  • Just one thing needed!

    I love this app and play this all the time. I really enjoy each tour and take my time on it trying to best my last event. Things are well thought out and it does justice to what a mariokart mobile game should be - but I have one thing I would enjoy very much. I think there needs to be a map category where you can see what maps you have characters for and which ones you don’t.

    Currently, I have to go through every character one-by-one to check and see if I have someone that’s in the highest category for that stage (ie. when choosing characters they would be the only capable people of getting a ‘frenzy’). If I wanted to make sure I have any frenzy characters for a given stage, I need to go through and scroll/check every single character just to make sure I have a character prepared for that course. If this was reversibly searchable it would take much less time to find out if you need to purchase a character from the daily shop or when purchasing a bundle.

    Everything else is really so fun and easy to use, I love the reward system in the game and even the challenge rewards. Keep up the good work Nintendo!
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  • All Time Favorite Game!

    When this game was announced a few years ago, I was seriously counting down the days until it’s release! I’ve been playing every day since, and I absolutely love it! There are tons of games out there that are really fun at first, but then you often get sick of it really quick. With Mario Kart Tour, there is never a dull moment, and I always play until the very end of the tour and highly anticipate the next tour.

    Some people knock it’s “gacha style” mechanics, but I have to say it really doesn’t feel that way to me. It is completely free for everyone to play, and the more and more you play, the better you will get and upgrade your characters, karts, and gliders. I pay $4.99/month (.16 a day lol) for the gold pass, which doesn’t disappoint, and really helps level up all of your stuff! Recently they have been rewarding their pass holders with in-game gifts every month, which is pretty cool in my book!!

    Overall, I highly recommend this game to anyone who wants a game they can continue to play and not get bored of. It’s coming up on 2 years since the game came out on iOS, and it keeps on getting better and better!
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