User Reviews: Amaranthine Voyage

Top reviews

  • This "Voyage" Is Slightly "Charred"!

    It's a shame that a game with a rarely-seen storyline, such as this one, spirals downward due to the inadequate supporting components — elementary-leveled gameplay, mediocre graphics, and the old-schooled HOSs that lack innovative qualities.

    The explorative aspect of traveling to a world full of lush jungles, where the mighty dinosaurs roam the terrain, reminds me of the blockbuster movie Jurassic Park. In my opinion, this idea is unique because I cannot recall another HOA that embraced the creative fusion of "When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth," with scientific elements. Unfortunately, though, the storyline wanes as I progress, thus becoming predictable and uneventful. Additionally, the developers fail to take advantage of a scarce opportunity to allow players more direct interaction with the dinosaurs; instead, the dinosaurs' roles are reduced to secondary status. The characters' sapless personalities do little to add depth to the storyline, and their lips don't always move when speaking.

    The visuals are tarnished by blurry, unpolished graphics — something that doesn't surprise me considering who the developer is.

    You can customize your settings. The inventory is labeled and interactive; items require assembly. In custom mode, the teleport map facilitates brisk travel to labeled locations and indicates available actions. Transition between scenes is smooth and quick. The touch-sensitivity mechanics need to be adjusted; when interacting with inventory, I found it cumbersome at times to acquire and place items within the scenes.

    Gameplay is amateurish and offers a player minimal challenge; with limited backtracking, I am seamlessly zipping through this game. The HOSs are presented in multi-layered formats, and they include embedded puzzles; however, their types are run-of-the-mill, and they are scant of contemporary characteristics. The puzzles are thematic, and they suit the storyline. In my opinion, most of the puzzles, although imaginative, are solved through trial and error, resulting in tedium. For example, the totem puzzle is most frustrating and confusing, as you are lead to believe that you are heading in the right direction towards solving it, only to be met with a message indicating that you are out of moves. The collectibles are fairly easy to spot within the environment.

    Overall, this game joins the growing list of those that become lost in the shuffle due to the absence of the current-trending creativity needed to stimulate my imagination and to set this game apart. And, once again, as I've steadily been saying, I only purchased the game because an alternative is not available. I rate this game 3 stars to account for the refreshing dinosaur-themed concept. You should play the free trial before purchasing and decide for yourselves.
  • Wow! This game is a trip!

    Take Jurassic Park, time travel, alternate reality and futuristic worlds and throw it in a blender with some awesome artwork and creative storyline and you get this beautiful game. It’s creative, original storyline mixed with very realistic dinosaurs and futuristic technology. Play the trial and I think you will be buying this one! Verdict: Buy Buy Buy!
  • Awesome!!!

    Great new style of storyline, with gorgeous, realistic graphics.
    Very thrilled 😁 to see this gem 💎 of a game! Multiple tasks hidden object scenes, good character voiceovers. Puzzles are looking unique and a teleporting map is provided. It's looking like it is going to be quite an adventure. Will update my review as I progress. So far fellow adventure seekers, I wouldn't pass this one up. This game is new and different for this series. So far, I am Very impressed and always up for a challenge!
    Thank You to the developers & Big Fish!!!
    Play & enjoy the eye candy 🍭 ( smooth transitions as well)
    KdBoots 🤠

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