My 4th review. So long … 1 ar time? 4. More? 2. :(
1 x Senode instance works beautifully, for a great length of time. As well, with a lot of conditional choices!
Try more than 1 instance though - within the same module or as a 2nd module? Uh uh. :(
False starts on 1 or both. Sync between the 2 of them, failing Notes being triggered, unreliable.
In my 39 years of working with many MIDI sequencers on / in many platforms, for my own hobbies, Senode has been one of the easiest to use and most capable, in it’s somewhat extra legths of time ways! (Not intended for live performance. Standard i-Pad screen is too small for fast-action, small accurate adjustments.)
This has become my greatest missing MIDI sequencer due, to it’s seemingly 2+ year abandoned, problems.
Still searching for an alternative.