Currently unreliable & frustrating
On the face of it this is a great app. It promises to provide patients with some key functionality like requesting appointments, accessing health records and calling rapid response in an emergency situation. A one-stop shop.
In reality however the app doesn’t currently deliver on most fronts. Every time I’ve logged in, I get the message that my password is incorrect and I must request an OTP (one-time password) which then forces me to reset my password but won’t allow me to reuse a password I’ve previously used, even 2 or 3 passwords used previously. Annoying scale: 3/5
On the the three occasions I’ve tried to book an appointment, firstly the list of Medicare clinics isn’t available so for example, for Table View Medicross there isn’t a specific listing but there are about 12 Table View options, none of which are clear, so it’s potluck. Annoying scale: 2/5
Selecting one of the Table View options you’re then asked to fill in your details, who you’d like see and, a summary of your symptoms. After submitting this, an email arrives promptly, confirming your booking request and promises a phone call from someone to advise you of an appointment. So far so good. However, 3 hours later when no phone call has been received and I ring said clinic, I’m told that there is no record of my request anywhere on the system and that I should be using a different app to make appointment bookings. No one could tell me exactly how to get a download and this app doesn’t appear to be on the iOS App Store. So now I’m back to square one and also at the back of the appointment queue for the day so all the early morning appointments are booked up. When you’re feeling pretty rubbish and have been awake most of the night with a fever and abdominal pain this is…. Annoying factor 5/5
Once I’ve re-requested an appointment, after waiting 3 hours for a call-back, had one confirmed for a later time in the day, seen the doctor, got the necessary medication, mentioned to the receptionist the problem with the app and the booking and repetitive password resets, returned home and started to feel better, I go to look at my patient records which have always been available on the app - this is extremely useful and functional 👏🏻👏🏻 and brace myself for the login ritual.
I manage to log in with the last (umpteenth) password I created. I’m thrilled. Someone has done something on the backend and fixed this! Then I click on the patient records tab but there’s nothing there. “No records found”. No button to click for assistance or FAQ or anything to assist me with this. Annoying & Disappointment factor: 5/5
It seems like it’s now back to paper so I will go to the clinic and ask them to print out my records and I’ll keep them in a file. Sigh.