User Reviews: HQ StrangerQuiz Trivia

Top reviews

  • 😐

    Welp, only 14 questions... That’s kinda dumb and there should be more. And it shouldn’t have you restart the quiz when you get one question wrong. I would love this app and play it a lot only if there were way more questions and also if it doesn’t restart and just keeps going like this Michael Jackson quiz app; an app like that is what I was expecting; not this.
  • Only 14 questions

    I gave this app 3 stars because it only gives you 14 and there all the same. And I’m like OBSESSED with stranger things and I’ve watched all the seasons 12 times each and I collect st stuff and my whole room is filled with stranger things stuff and everyone who plays in st I know all their real names and last name too. I’m probably st #1 but this app was a disappointment
  • Ehhh..... I don’t know.

    Not sure on how I feel about this app. Some of the questions don’t make sense, and have incorrect answers. And, talking about questions, very few questions. So, it’s not that great, therefore, I wouldn’t really recommend or suggest it to anyone.
  • ok/bad/eh

    so many bad things about this game. 1. They keep repeating the same questions 2. If you get one wrong they give you this annoying ad and then you have to start over with the same questions 3. Most of the answers are incorrect. And 4. Its not like a regular enjoyable quiz where they tell you like “46/50” at the end. If you get one wrong u start over.
  • great update!

    i wrote a review a couple days ago and it was saying how before they fixed it there were some wrong questions. they saw my review and others and change the flaws. it’s a super fun game and is great for stranger things lovers. this is a great app and you should really get it! 🌸👏😋
  • 😕

    I wish there were more questions. When I first got the game I always went to question 14 and then it would take me back to home. I was confused at first but then I realized that there was a check mark instead of an arrow. Which meant that it was done. I thought that maybe the next day they would have different questions. Nope. Same questions every day. I give it a 1 star in ratings, but if the game makers see that they need more questions and possibly have different ones each day... Maybe my ratings will change.
  • Incorrect answers and not many questions

    I completed this quiz on my second try, only because I messed up on the questions that are incorrect. Some questions are completely messed up and a true Stranger Things fan (me) would notice that. Even if all the questions were actually true, the quiz wouldn’t even be that fun because there are only 14 questions. Maybe go back and fix the questions that you messed up on, and add more challenging questions.
  • All wrong!

    I’m SUPER obsessed with Stranger Things. I spend all my money on Stranger Things stuff and know more about it than the Duffers themselves! I’ve even come up with a fan theory! This app was just a disappointment! Only 14 questions?! Steve uses the shampoo, not Jonathan. The tunnels under the pumpkin patch is the Upside down. And yes people, Mike does have a younger sister named Holly so just shut up and pay attention in the show before you go making people loose their minds! Do not download this app! Also, they shared their first kiss in season 1 Chapter 8 the Upside down! Not the snowball! Please actually watch the show before you make an app about it
  • Many questions are incorrect and there are only 14.

    First of all, the app only gives you 14 questions. It constantly tells me that they added new questions but they don't. Secondly, multiple questions are wrong....
    What dance did 11 and mike attended where the shared their FIRST KISS. They had their first kiss in season 1.
    What shampoo does Johnathan claim to use. Johnathan isn't the one with the great hair, that's Steve. He says that he uses Faberge (idk how to spell it) on the train tracks with Dustin.
    Which character has never been to the upside down? They all have, well at least all of the options listed. Dustin is supposedly the right answer but he went in the tunnels underneath the pumpkin patch in season 2. That is technically the upside down.
  • Love it

    Loved the questions got every answer but you need more questions

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