User Reviews: Choice of Rebels

Top reviews

  • Love this one

    You get a choices in the beginning that impact the late game, the story is spectacular, and if you pick the right route them you gain access to magic. There is also a random gen in it to randomly spring up events or even if you do something exactly the same as before the choices you made can have an either or effect. All in all a great game. I’m just curious when the next portion is coming out.
  • Best choice of story game so far

    I’ve played around 20 of these games and I’d say this is the best one in terms of engagement/immersion, difficult choices, and differences your choices actually make. Well done. I eagerly await the sequel.
  • Love it

    I love interactive adventure stories like this. I finished the first one and it said a second would be out soon but can’t tell if it’s going to happen or not.
  • Phenomenal writing and world building

    As someone who has played quite a few choice-driven narratives, I can confidently say that this is without a doubt the best out there. The writing is excellent, the world engaging and interesting; you’d be hard-presses to find another that rivals the quality of Choice of Rebels: Uprising.
  • Amazing

    Amazing story. I can’t wait till the next one comes out. It would be neat to add some kind of cheat system I think. I would like to go back and do it again with like a money cheat or an influence and stat cheat. Just to see what all I could do with it
  • Extremely good, but not worth the price

    Honestly enjoyed the game to its most, but it’s not even the full game, and I wouldn’t doubt the next parts are the same price. If you lowered the price, it would be worth the money, but I could get better and more for the same price
  • A Brilliant Read, Even Better Narrative Gameplay

    This is my all time favorite from the Choice of Games library. Choice of Rebels: Uprising’s immaculately written branching story allows for tremendous possibilities which create a deeply immersive experience. The rebellion is as much a character as your main character as you directly influence both. Are you a charismatic revolutionary trying to smash every corrupt Hegemonic institution (all of them) or are you a brilliant strategist plotting to overthrow the government with as little shake up to the status quo as possible (you bourgeoisie bastard). Trying to survive in the wilderness while being hunted was so immersive it made me feel like I was in the film “Defiance” with Daniel Craig.
  • Great

    One of the best, immersive story, plenty of freedom and well developed characters. When’s part two ?
  • Not only an amazing game but an amazing story

    The author clearly approaches this as a novel that can be played as a game rather than a game that can be read as a novel. This leads to compelling characters, thought provoking themes, and an endlessly fascinating world. Your choices heavily affect the outcomes later in the game. I’ve played through the entire thing multiple times and I’m still not even close to being tired of it. Can’t wait for the sequel.
  • We need a book two!


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