Too many ads
If there weren’t so many ads, this game would be fun.
It’s a nice hang to tax your brain but slow to load each level
This game is addicting but also makes you think and realize how good your spelling is
Wordsworth it’s not but helping
Slow start point but good for learning people . Can really reach a high level if you keep on . Brill for kids as well
Too much
I love this but I agree to much advertising!
Great I lower levels but.....
Upper levels (550+) are no longer fun due to the words being absolutely bizarre and strangely specific. When normal words fit and are not accepted instead of truly abstract words, the game goes from fun to a constant exercise in frustration.
Just started this game so hope it gets harder
Too Hard Too Fast
There are too many words that are not acceptable. It’s frustrating.
Good for the Brain
Always like to challenge the brain. I can feel my brain working when doing the puzzles. Thanks