Helix Jump User Reviews

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  • Needs more change and the adds are too frequent

    Don’t get me wrong it’s and enjoyable and addictive game but I am currently on level 79 and hardly anything had changed the levels are slightly more difficult and are longer. Those are the only changes. I think it would be good if this game had like different worlds that you go through each ten levels with different themes for the levels styling and an option to select a level to play rather than simply playing there next which would only make sense if there were different themes and such. It is a good game but it’s gotten to the point of being boring and repetitive due to lack of changes between levels. Also the brown red and white colour scheme and pink blue and purple couloir scheme are horrible to look at ad the brown one reminds me of crap which isn’t something you want to be associated with your game and the pink one just doesn’t work well together. Also the adds on this game are ridiculous it makes it much harder to enjoy.
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  • Ads ruin it

    I downloaded it on a whim because it was popular and wanted to see what all the fuss was about. It was fun at first, and the little video saving thing was very helpful if I was only a few away from the end. But the ads, and their obvious greed for money. For one, they cram ads ANYWHERE they can. There are ads at the bottom constantly, there are ads after you “die”, there are ads when you reach a new level, there are ads when you restart a level, there is an ad on the side of the screen before you start a game. I’ve had a ad play just because I took to long to start playing/bouncing. And I’ve had an ad play in the middle of a game. This is unacceptable. Keep the ads to maybe after you “die” (short ads), when you progress to a new level, and the helpful video that can be the difference between finishing the level and not, beating your high score and not. But recently, the button just doesn’t work. Now, I’m not sure if that’s just a glitch or if they started doing that to be sneaky, but either way it needs to be fixed.

    The only reason I gave this 2 stars and not one was because it can actually be an enjoyable game to pass the time, if you don’t mind the ads.

    PS. I kept my WiFi on for the emergency video save but now that it isn’t working I’m considering turning it off to get rid of the ads
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  • Great game but...

    I love this game, I’ve had it for a month or so and it is very addicting. It adds a bit of a challenge without requiring a lot of time or difficulty to complete a level.

    With that said there are too many ads. I know there are a lot of reviews about how many ads there are but it really is a bit of a problem. They will pop up after every game and sometimes even in the middle of a game, causing instant death when you start playing again. Also (and I don’t know if this is just mine) it’ll start glitching and freezing up in the middle of a game. When the screen goes back to normal I almost always die right away. Also, if I try to do a second chance it (most of the time) just drops me to my death right away. I do love this and if voodoo could fix this, or at least a few of these it would be wonderful.

    It also feels like it could be upgraded a little bit to engage the player a bit more. Maybe it can have bonus levels every hundred or so. It would also be nice if there would be a way to replay levels so you can get higher scores. And maybe some sort of rewards system?... Anyway, hope Voodoo can fix a few things, but all in all it’s a great game.
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  • Awesome!!

    This game is amazing! I am going on a big road trip in a few days and this game is a great time waster. It’s so satisfying to put your finger on the screen and slide. My favorite component is to go far down and then break a level. I also enjoy that each level is different colors, so you don’t get bored with one background. Lastly, I appreciate that the makers of this game, (Voodoo) added in moving blocks, so it makes it a lot of fun to go down each level because you don’t know when the levels/blocks are going to start moving. If you like this game, I would recommend the other Voodoo games. My friend introduced me to this game to me on the bus when we were coming home from school. I immediately went home and downloaded it. But back to the point. I also found more Voodoo games, and downloaded them. Voodoo, if you are reading this, you just are an amazing company/business that makes easy, fun, and interesting games. Thank you for your hard work!
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    I absolutely love this game, everyone has it and is so addictive to it...BUT THERE ARE TO MANY ADS , ad after ad after ad, I am sick and tired of the ads, I get it your trying to make money, but I have asked all my friends who play this game and they all agree that you guys need to put less ads and none of my friends have actually bought a game that you were advertising, you put an ad after you die, after you pass a level, to save a life and I could go on, you guys just got carried away with putting ads into this game
    But this game is really really fun and amazing
    But you need to put less ads in
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  • Did you fake the message? Have to play in airplane mode...

    Ok, so riddle me this. On the ad you put up of this game, it said above it "It took 23 tries to get past level 1!" Or something like that. Well, homie, I beat level 1 first try. Am I pro or was the tester for the ad noob? I'm leaning towards the person for the ad being either a noob OR you just FAKING the title of it! Because it took about 3 tries to beat level 2. Huh. Also, too many ads meaning you must play in airplane mode (like all other voodoo games) and repetitive gameplay. Okay, I get developers put ads in their game to make money but these ads are too much. How many times do you need to advertise your own games at the side before you start? That's right, NONE. No sense of accomplishment upon completing a level because the levels change each time. Anyways, back to the ads. You may actually loose revenue with too many ads as customers will delete the game faster. Only reason I gave 2 stars is because it's a mediocre time killer. Am I rambling now? Yeah, I think I'm rambling now... BYE!
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  • Not bad but ads ruin it

    For all the people saying simply “put your phone on airplane mode,” just know that people may need their phones to be active in order to receive alerts, especially if it’s important for them. Also, airplane mode eliminates all means of getting a “second chance” offered once you fail, as it requires you to watch an ad for you to move forward. For many, the absence of a second chance means more frustration when you hit higher scores and want to redeem yourself but have no way of doing so. Overall the game is pretty good, but there is a lack of a challenge as you pass the first few levels and notice that you are in a limbo, as everything is repeated for several hundred or thousand levels. The developers should amp it up a little, maybe add some more traps and a time limit for how long you can bounce on each deck. The game is salvageable, I just hope they know what they’re doing. Obviously for the people that have stuck around and played past the first hundred levels, they aren’t afraid of a little more difficulty.
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    Bro how many of you guys love this game. Because I love it to but it just has to many adds. Then the expect you to pay to remove the adds. There should only be adds when you want to have a second chance not when you have attempted a level three times. Overall the game is good and fun but just to many adds
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  • Addictive, Amazing, and Ads -_-

    I’ll start off by saying that this game is remarkably simple and greatly challenging at the same time. Kudos to the developers, they made an addictive game that runs smoothly, as well as a game that is visually pleasing. They did a great job.

    Although I thoroughly enjoyed playing this game, I have one major complaint surrounding the amount of ads included and the repetitive-ness of such ads. The amount of ads in helix jump is akin to spam. You can’t go one reset cycle of a game without one or more ads popping up and being incredibly frustrating. Most of these ads cannot be muted, making them even more irritating. Adding (pun intended) to this Adpocalypse (I’m not sorry) is the aggravating repetition of these ads. I wouldn’t mind these ads as much if they were different each time, or at least on a rotation- but no. You’re just gonna watch the same stupid ad for a baby-game that you were never interested in the first place.

    Anyways, the sheer amount of ads is my only complaint. Still a great game, and definitely worth a try, but long term.... the ads are just unmanageable.
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  • Way to many ads!

    This game is great and so fun and addictive and I have gotten quite good at it too. The only problem with it is that there are way to many ads it makes me and my friends want to delete the game and rage quit. Every single time you die or complete a level there is an ad, which doesn’t make the game fun it makes it boring. We all get that the company voodoo makes money from showing us these ads but there are just WAY too many! So many of the people that play helix jump are addicted but that doesn’t mean that they like the ads every second. If helix jump did remove some of the ads and played ads less helix jump would be one of the best games and would have the best ratings and reviews. In conclusion helix jump is many peoples favourite game (including mine) and we would all love it way more if there where less ads.

    Thank you and please take this review under advisement
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