I like the game
I watch all of Wakfu so then I had i question to my self what if there was a game about it then I saw the and I finished and now I’m sad because now I can’t unlock nox and now I wish it was longer
I want to beat nox
It won’t let me try to beat nox at leval 16 and it won’t let me unlock him as a character I have every other character and have beaten Al leval except leval 16 please fix that and please add more levels.
Make more of this
I love Wakfu so much just been like part of my childhood and it was and I wish there was a lot more
Listen pls!
Now, 3 stars is a good rating because I can’t get to the boss level and glitch glitch glitch glitch glitch😞 Now it’s gone but pls fix that
Love but
Please add the rest of the episode
Good Play or not? (Moderate)
Beat the entire game including unlocking and beating the boss with all available characters in under an hour.
That’s my biggest issue, an extreme lack of gameplay. There are only 16 levels including the boss and they’re all short and easy. There’s a single difficult level in the very beginning and from there the difficulty drops completely. Didn’t get any feeling of accomplishment so really ended up as a waste of time.
The animations and art however were nice, so were the mechanics so two stars there but all characters had the same mechanics except the shooting scenes, even the CRA ARCHER attacks melee.
In the end, 2 stars. Not worth playing. The ads don’t even work so if you plan to support Ankama, go buy something from them.
That’s my biggest issue, an extreme lack of gameplay. There are only 16 levels including the boss and they’re all short and easy. There’s a single difficult level in the very beginning and from there the difficulty drops completely. Didn’t get any feeling of accomplishment so really ended up as a waste of time.
The animations and art however were nice, so were the mechanics so two stars there but all characters had the same mechanics except the shooting scenes, even the CRA ARCHER attacks melee.
In the end, 2 stars. Not worth playing. The ads don’t even work so if you plan to support Ankama, go buy something from them.
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You had to make this a game?
Great game! But…
It’s a great game but… please answer this question: I past level 15 and I see a robot, it looks like the boss, and when i finished level 15 there was no dialogue, and since there was no dialogue I pressed the robot cause it was a level, and nothing happened, how do you finish level 16 is the question. Please fix this and if you can’t and other people can go in level 16 and I’m just being dumb, please answer this question. If you do not answer in a year, I will delete the game, and yes, i am gonna wait that long but after that, the game is no more.
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Good game
I like the game but I hope there will be more levels and maybe some puzzles and characters maybe but in all it’s a really good game
Coucou je n’arrive pas comprendre avec le jeu. J’ai jouer chaque étape et j’ai battu Nox
Je veux savoir si le jeu s’arrête la ?
Je veux savoir si le jeu s’arrête la ?