User Reviews: Foundation Service

Foundation Service
Foundation Service
Foundation Software, Inc.

Top reviews

  • Service review

    Can we get a “Scroll to bottom” button for service reviews? Some of my jobs are over 1 year long with over 600 service ticket submitals. I have to scroll allllll the way down every day.
  • Meh

    Two things I don’t like so far…
    1. Photos don’t attach. No crash but nothing happens.
    2. I can’t see my daily or weekly hours. I’d like to be able to see my time for the day, and for the week. That should be standard…
  • Horrible

    Terrible foundation to work with. Puns. It takes forever to find a certain job if you don’t know the exact day you did it on you’re stuck panning through every single day of the year until you find it. Android users… just forget about it. Error codes all day when trying to clock in to a job. And my company wants to use this for our payroll now. Oh god save us all
  • Pretty decent

    Overall has the info we need. It is slow and a bit glitchy but hoping the longer we work with it the better it becomes.
  • Designed For Office Not Field

    It’s incredibly cumbersome to use. It is designed for a perfect office world. In the real world not everything goes according to plan and a job can’t be completed the same day. There needs to be a way to pull up all incomplete dispatches rather than scrolling back day by day.
  • Navigate

    Very difficult to navigate back through the previous weeks jobs, Need a head page that shows all the open or incompletely jobs.
    Also app always force closes and glitches with every use.
  • Forced screen position

    App forces vertical viewing. I have a keyboard that does not allow me to use the tablet vertically only horizontally. This is a real let down for the app over using the browser version.

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