Cake User Reviews

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    Cake is an easy to use language learning app that offers a lot of options from beginner to elementary level. There were different options on what you (as the user) would like to learn. I chose learning Hangeul and the vowels/consonants (since I barely can read any Korean). Then, it walks you through a journey of different vowels and the consonants that come with each letter (since Hangeul is made up of vowel and consonants stacked together like bricks). Don’t want to spoil too much, but I can say, this app is really good for learning Korean!
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  • Took my money

    Although it’s not totally the apps fault I just want to know why it didn’t remind me my subscription was still up and running. I stopped using this app in April , and forgot that I still signed up to a subscription cause it offered 2 weeks free and said that it would “remind me” when it ended.

    Next thing you know 3 months passed and during May I noticed that “Apple” had taken $15 off my account. And so I just thought nothing of it. Then again the next month so I reported it to my bank and got a new card. Today I was charged again , and as a student I don’t have much money. So I checked in reddit why that was happening and some people said to check your purchase history in the App Store. so I did that and noticed the purchases coming from cake. My mom operates my credit card and so we all thought it was someone who got a hold of my credit card information. So my mom was mad and said she was going to file a report to the police. Though I know that’s not going to do much I just wanted to know why cake hadn’t reminded me through notifications that my subscription was still active.

    I have screenshots of my purchase history / watch history and everything. So I really just want a refund from those 3 months of money I lost !
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  • CAKE ratings from me

    This app is amazing and I am really bad at Korean but now I feel more confident in Korean and I feel like I’m getting better at sentences and they made the vowels and consonants…This app really helped me and one day in the future my kids will also learn Korean just like I did…You should download this app like ASAP because you will learn korean or English or whatever they have…I love this app and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do..Also BTS is so funny and I love watching kdramas so I was mostly interested in those but over all these people explained everything so good that I think they made me understand Korean more because Korean looks hard but when you really look deep into it you understand it more…They gave me a lot of details while watching this and yes I did make many mistakes but I learned from my mistakes so easily when I watched it 2 times…Over all of you really just look deep into what they are saying I promise you that you will learn Korean in like 1 week or 2…J recommend this app so go check CAKE out now!!
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  • review

    I never write reviews about an app no matter how I feel about it, but this actually got me mad. I loved this app, it was one of the few language learning apps that I could actually understand and that helped me progress in my learning, however they updated it so that now every lesson after the first one requires you to have the premium version of the app. It was really disappointing to see this because I really did like this app but I just don’t have the funds/think it’s a waste for premium especially since you can one set of lessons/ one unit out of it.
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  • Wow, just wow!

    I had been doing the free version for about a week. So today, June 5, 2024, I decided to take a leap of faith and try the one week free. I can say that in the short amount of time I feel I have learned a great deal. I’ve tried other apps, but so far in the amount of time that I’ve started using cake I feel this app has surpassed all the other ones that I’ve used.

    Just give the one week free trial a chance. If it doesn’t work, nothing lost. However, if you find out, it helped you it’s more than worth the price of admission.
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  • Just great.

    I’m loving the app. I’ve tried Duolingo for Korean but it does not compare to this app. I love that this app has videos that explain and teach you the language and explain this to you. I love the way they explain how not only what sounds the letters make but ways to remember just from looking at it what the letter is. Makes it much easier for me to remember and be able to slowly grasp both speaking and reading Korean.
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  • I am enjoying this app

    I have been learning the Korean language for about 5 years now and I have used all sorts of apps, websites, books and videos to improve my language learning skills. They all have their up side and downside.

    Cake is one of the fewer apps that I find to actually be fun. I love BTS and learning with them as my teachers makes me want to set aside time every day. This app turns a HAVE TO into a WANT TO. Plus there is so much content available. I am never at a loss for new videos to learn from. The units are presented in an organized manner so you can follow their map or create your own based on their content.

    Cake covers listening, reading, writing and speaking which are all the components needed to master a language. I am an ESL teacher and I always encourage my students to use all four of those things to improve on their language building.

    I would recommend Cake to others especially fellow ARMY. Oh, I also like that if you don’t have the books published by Cake you can still learn. However, having the books is a nice addition to the digital format.
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  • Fun way to learn!😊👍

    So far I’ve barely started the app and I’m already starting to get the hang of it. it has simple classes to start with that will help you catch on really well. they also have BTS classes to learn and study, they help you learn how to do conversation skills and how the words work but if you’re a beginner like me they can help you learn the vowels and how the letters are written and staked. My point is that CAKE is the best way to learn Korean and English!😄👍😊
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  • Cake is the step between textbooks and speaking with native speakers

    I have studied Korean with textbooks for about a year. When I tried speaking to Koreans at my college, I had a hard time recalling the things I learned from my textbook and putting them into everyday use. Cake shows you grammar structures and other things you learn in a daily context. It is the step that helps you get from just studying with textbooks to actually speaking Korean with people. Highly recommend.
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  • An English Speech Therapist learning Korean

    As an American Speech Therapist, I really love using this app. I love that it takes the time to break down each consonant and vowel letter, and sound so letter-sound correspondence is able to be established. As a speech therapist, I know just how important it is to establish letter-sound correspondence and recognition in order to continue to build strong language skills, and pre-literacy skills. This course is fantastic!
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