User Reviews: Virtual Pet Widget Game by Pix

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    This game is a great game me and my BFF both have the game and we are always on it together but it’s kinda boring after playing the same two games over and over like maybe u could add more games?? Also about the sickness of the PIX maybe u could make a way to buy it in the store? Because my sister downloaded the game on her iPod and sometimes the WiFi acts up so her PIX just stays sick until it finally works maybe make a way to buy it instead of having to watch an ad but other than that it’s a great game to have I love all the cute pets when u first hatch the egg the pets look like little plushie balls😊 but maybe one more thing about the game😅 maybe for the wait time u could lower the time like so you don’t have to wait like 8 hours to grow or hatch it like maybe 4 or 5 hours or sumthin like that but yea maybe u could add some of these features into the game great work btw👍🏻☺️
  • Buffer period, please!

    I do like collecting Pix but I am getting tired of it. Could you maybe add in a buffer between pets like choosing to hatch a new egg or something? Also more mini games that pay out more coins or even a few gems would also be acceptable because the games there are a bit boring and it just isn’t worth it to play them regularly. I lose more coins than I can earn unless you just sit there and farm coins (who doesn’t love wasting a ton of time grinding for coins?).
    I think the payout should be up to 100 coins as that is as much as the most expensive food, so if you budget (like in real life) after a while of saving you should be able to buy new things for the pet. (plus the premium food doesn’t fill your pet’s hunger as much as the 100 coin food does).
    And the pets seem a little too needy at times, like “it’s hungry even though you just fed it” and stuff, and that’s where we need that buffer. I don’t want to delete the app but I do want a break from taking care of the pets.
  • Interesting idea, some suggestions

    I really love the idea of this game, like the fact you can just pull up your cute little pet whenever you want and don’t need an internet connection. It’s also not very hard to care for. I do have some reports and suggestions, though.
    This has been happening more frequently, but sometimes my widget will abruptly stop working and just say “Unable to Load” I’m actually writing this review while this is happening, and it’s been like this for at least 8 hours. I don’t want to uninstall and install again, as I’ve gotten quite far. Also, sometimes the screen will freeze and I can’t fix it. It usually just fixes itself...
    A couple suggestions.
    I would like a new mini game. I know, the way I phrased it sounds greedy, but the two we have are just kind of... meh. There’s only two, as well, and they’re not very fun after the first couple times.
    You can choose to ignore this one, but I’ve gotten a bit frustrated with the memory game. Can we at least have three lives or a video for a second chance? I mean, come on, you never actually know if you’ll die or not. It’s completely random. It’s gotten to the point where every time I click a card I just have to hold my phone as far away from me as possible and wince until I know it’s safe.
    That’s all for now, but currently, I’d say it’s a decent game. It’s also not a battery devourer.

    Skylar L.
  • Cute, but monotonous

    When I first downloaded Pix I loved it! But after a few weeks of playing I'm getting really tired of how stressful this game has become for me! It notifies me CONSTANTLY that my Pix needs something (4 notifications to wake you at 3am, anyone?) And it just turns into me playing one ad after another (if it even loads!) to play the same two games until my Pix is tired and then I put it to bed and essentially wait until it demands something again. I don't get any enjoyment from the pet anymore as it just constantly requires me to watch ads and complains at me all day. If it gave a little more feedback, I'd be more inclined to put in some effort. But for now, it's just something that constantly requires my attention with no payoff except for the person making money off the ads. Maybe more games or something that makes the pet more interactive? It feels like Sims except all you do is replenish their needs by watching ads.
    TLDR: Cute for a bit, but no fun anymore and downright stressful trying to keep up with the thing; a waste of my time to watch so many ads for a simple check-in on my pet. Uninstalled unfortunately 😓
  • 🌺READ ME🌺

    I truly love this app!! I always play with my pix! I love the memory game! And I have lots of fun playing with this game!
    But the game can be funner having more mini Games! It will be fun to have games like:
    *tic tac toe
    *crossword puzzle
    *snake (the one that eats and if it touch a border the game is over)
    *jump (jumping little obstacles and if you touch one you lose)

    And other games of your choice!
    Please include more mini games like this ones or other ones so pix can be funner!

    It will be fun to have like some hats or stuff for the pix so you can dress them!

    also it will be fun to play with the stuff that you have in your rooms like:
    *if you have a fridge you can tap it and you can get some food
    *if you have the tv you can watch mini movies!
    *if you have a bathtub you can bath your pix!
    And other stuff!

    Other suggestions:
    *last longer energy
    *that healing can be cheaper or free (when you’ve got no internet)
    *objects can be cheaper or in mini games you can get more money because if your pix is hungry you’ll need to feed him and you will waste more money and you can’t buy decorations for the rooms because they are expensive and you need lots of money to buy 1 item
    *and I want my pix don’t be healed to quickly;)

    This suggestions is for the game so it can be funner! And we can all enjoy a little more about the game! But I love pix! And I hope that you read this!
    Ps: please make this suggestions 😉
  • Love my Pix to death, but he sleeps longer than me!

    When I was first notified of this game, I was more happy than a child in a candy shop. I've been playing mini games and feeding and petting Castiel for hours on end every day. He's so cute! I always loved Tamagotchis, but this game is free, and it's everything I'd look for in a virtual pet. I the one and only complaint I have is that it sleeps for ages. And, it's energy goes down five percent every mini game! Other than that, it's a great widget. It has so many features, and I've always hated being in competition to have the best outfits in games. Since there are no outfits, I don't have to worry! I love this game to the moon and back, and the two mini games that it has keep me entertained for hours on end, as I've said above. I definitely recommend this app to anyone looking to relieve stress form their lives with a little fuzzy adorable friend!
  • LOVE IT😍😍😍

    Honestly, this is definitely one of my favorite games EVER. The pets are so cute, and when they first hatch, they look like cute lil’ mochi balls😊😊! Once they’ve been fed enough, they evolve, and you start to see what they really look like. You can figure out what species they are by pressing the paw in the bottom left corner of the screen, and then pressing the ‘My Pix’ thing. In there, it will say the age, species, and the name. You can change the name by tapping on it, but you have to be signed in to your phone/device. I also really love the Social feature, and me and my BFF have been calling it ‘Pixtagram.’ It’s a really great feature, and adults don’t have to worry about their child’s safety, because there is no chat. Basically, you look at other people’s pets and slide through different images of them, and if you love them, you press the heart in the middle of the screen. Simple as that! If there was more than five hearts, I would give it the highest score but...the world is an unfair place! 😋😋 So yeah, I would absolutely recommend this game for anyone who loves pets and wants many of their own!
  • Please Read!

    This game is truly creative and is fun, but it needs more mini games. Something like Doodle Jump or the Dinosaur game because the two games get old very quick. And maybe make it harder to find the "Life lost" and "Game over" boxes in the matching game. I always die way too quickly. Also, it would be amazing if we could raise more than one PIX at a time!

    One last thing that really bugs me. I am a girl who has to go to a school that doesn't allow phones, so I can't take care of my PIX during that period of time. This results in my PIX always getting sick, and me always having to heal him. (Her? Genders would be amazing too) Could you possibly make some sort of vitamin you could buy in the store so that they don't get sick for around 8-10 hours? This keeps on happening and I can't do anything with my PIX until I heal them, which is very costly.

    This game is amazing and has a lot of potential to be even better and attract even more people, so please keep on adding more features to it other than new PIXs. (But those are amazing too!) I hope you take my suggestions into consideration!
  • Good but Might Need Some Work

    It’s a great concept and cute game, but it still has many bugs and lacks content. One bug was that the widget would crash and not reload for a while. Another problem occurred when my pet was ready to evolve a second time; No matter where I tapped, a pop up would appear asking me if I would like to evolve my pet. This is a problem because it cost gems. Since I could not do anything else, it would force me to buy gems to continue playing. The content of the game is less than the current amount of bugs. The decorations for the randomly available and are priced highly. The only way of getting coins to buy the decorations is to play two low reward mini-games. To buy even one decorations you would have to grind the mini-games for multiple sleep cycles. In all there needs to be more mini-games with higher rewards. The only way I would give this game a higher review is if it had more content and less bugs. Currently it is too unfinished to rate in anything higher.
  • Good not great

    After downloading the app right after it notified me it was available I had some fun with it, but after a bit it glitches out and would only show a blank screen where the pix was meant to be. I tried removing it as a widget and replacing it but only when I uninstalled and reinstalled it did it begin working again, minus having to restart with a new egg it wasn’t a big deal.

    I like the graphics, the store and its hourly refresh idea, the gifts (although half the time there’s no video ready when the gift box presents itself) but my main issue is how long it takes to do anything. To evolve it took 8 hours, to fully regenerate its energy takes too long as well. For how easily accessible the game is the long waiting periods don’t seem to fit in with that in my opinion.