User Reviews: Surface

Top reviews

  • Fun Game

    Thank you BF and Elephant Games for a fun to play and throughly enjoyable game. Great HOP’s and Puzzles. Good storyline and interactions. Love it, (as if you didn’t know by now).
  • Dawn

    I would prefer the strategy guide and skip are not on the same side.
  • Excited about Surface series

    I enjoy the Surface series, so i was excited to play this game. It was a great story. Made me sad, happy and in between. Some scenes were a bit dark, but i think thats why i enjoyed it more. They stuck to the true series with flowers. Collectibles were also available. No glitches and enjoyed the erie soundtrack. This one is a must!
  • Surface: Project Dawn by LynxMinx

    Although the storyline of the game was not original (telekinetic experimentation/entering dreams to save ghosts), Elephant Games still managed to add their twisted and bizarre perspective to make the game enthralling. We were given a journal and tasks were regularly updated. You could customize settings. The graphics were not as crisp or sharp as I would have preferred, but they did convey the nightmarish, weird and almost post-apocalyptic feeling that Elephant was striving to achieve. Inventory was labeled and interactive and there were complex items to assemble. There was a marked teleport map to transport you instantaneously between locations, and it also indicated whether the collectibles were still available (flowers and morphing figurines). The HO scenes had a nice variety and were definitely more unique than we have seen in a while from this developer. The puzzles/games were mostly on the simplistic side, but there were several that I still enjoyed (such as the labyrinth and the safecracker puzzle)and some that also enabled you to utilize your dexterity skills. Each location had a plethora of tasks to accomplish. The game ran smoothly, save for the ease of back tapping out of a puzzle or HO scene. In addition, the dialogue moved rather quickly so you had better be a fast reader. I found the gameplay not only enjoyable but also somewhat addictive. Unfortunately this game was very short, inclusive of the bonus adventure.
    I am deducting a star for length, hazy graphics and the speed of the dialogue. This was still a terrific thrill ride from Elephant Games!
    Remember tomorrow we are supposed to receive a new offering from Artifex Mundi. Hopefully BigFish will also distribute a new game on Thursday; I have had enough of their sales! Happy gaming, everyone.
    Note to KimTwilight: the trial for this game was extremely short and I was on the fence about purchasing it. Your review was spot-on and helped me to make my decision to buy it and I am pleased to say that I didn’t regret it! I really appreciate that you put so much time and effort into your reviews. Thanks, my friend!
    UPDATE: Kingmaker has been released by Artifex Mundi. I am not familiar with the developer; it is not Brave Giant Studios. This is the first game in a new series so we don’t know if it’s good. Also BigFish EXTENDED their Memorial Day Sale; I don’t know if we will get a new game tomorrow!
  • Why no reviews

    Just wondering why the usual contributors haven't weighed in with their reviews.
    This is a fun game.
  • Great Game

    I am definitely entertained!!!!
  • Intriguing!

    Enjoyed this game Very Much! Storyline was uniquely put together, with lot’s of visual effects. Character voiceovers were believable and good. Hidden object scenes were not only interactive, but cleverly done. Puzzles and collectibles also a plus. I thought the developer did a Great job in this series, as there was a whole lot to see and take in & plan your next move.
    Experienced no glitches and clear graphics, that were fascinating and original. Highly recommend buying this game, if you want to have some fun, mystery and adventure.
    P.S. Fellow gamers: Artifex Mundi released their new game today in the App Store under their website.
    Happy 😃 gaming to all!!!
    Can’t wait to see what we get next from Big Fish 🐠 Really was disgusted that we got shorted a game last week on Wednesday - I wouldn’t mind a holiday sale, however when Big Fish eliminates a New Release due to a upcoming Holiday, that is not right for their regular customers who already have purchased their older sale games. Everyone who agrees needs to express this to Big Fish and just possibly we might see a change. Reviews & Voices are to be heard and acknowledged.
    KdBoots 🐎
  • No Second Chances to Find Hidden Flowers

    After completing both the main and bonus games, I selected the bonus content. The hidden room requires certain number of flowers to play the Hidden Room HOPs. I had enough flowers to play the first HOP. There is no way to obtain additional flowers, except to start over! Very frustrating!

    Also, the bottom of the scenes are very sensitive to the touch. Either you exit the scene or it opens the iPad control panel.
  • I Had Fun "Working" On This "Project"!

    I'll be honest. I had my doubts as to how this game was going to play out. First of all, the free trial gives one of the most insufficient playtimes ever — a mere four (4) scenes. That is not a fair amount of time to determine a "go ahead" with the purchase of this game. At the start of the opening scene, I found myself rolling my eyes and thinking, "here we go again with one of the most clichéd introductions in HOA history — the typical car accident, caused by an apparition." But as I progressed, it became transparent that this game delivers some fascinating qualities. This sequel fuses together scientific elements with terrifying traits to create a surreal and weird, yet gripping, plot, which holds me in state of mental trepidation.

    The spectacular artwork is embellished with startling, freakish imagery, detailed as follows : statues of talking colossal heads, with tortured-looking facial expressions; a dilapidated house sitting atop a floating island; an abundance of debris — which vary in shape, size, and material — hovering in midair; creepy, human-sized mannequins; and oddball creatures peeking out at you from their hiding places.

    I appreciate that the close-ups comprising reading materials do not permanently close out so I can return to refresh my memory. However, the dialogue moves along too swiftly, not staying idle for a few moments until I "want" to click the "continue" button.

    The cleverly rendered HOSs are composed of assorted formats. I love the one in which you manipulate a diorama — with a 3D, skewed view — to switch between two village-like scenes, finding items and replacing them back into the scenes. The varied puzzles are entertaining, and they advance your objectives. They range from easy to medium-leveled difficulty. I love the maze puzzle! You collect a plethora of easy-to-spot flowers throughout each location and within the close-ups. Be aware that you must collect a certain number of flowers to unlock various additional content. There is another set to collect as well. In custom mode, the map will indicate the locations in which you can discover a collectible.

    I am satisfied with this sequel; it has the whole package. I did not experience any glitches. I rate this game five (5) stars.
  • OUTLOOK:Grey -Press Repeat

    Shame on you Elephant!!

    •Did all your creativity and ingenuity hit a wall??
    •So hard in fact, you blacked out, and in your amnesiac fog you thought you came up with an original and fresh storyline..??

    1. A lone car crash on a two lane heavily wooded road in a sparsely populated area?
    2. Only to discover a passenger has mysteriously vanished? Leaving no trace?
    3. A single law enforcement agent is on the scene...without backup?
    4. A mothers quest to find her young missing daughter, clues pink/cutesy? (teddy bears, ribbons, tiny purses/backpacks, heart shaped jewelry, endearing photos, etc)
    5. A no frills standard HO game?
    6. Odd slightly Paranormal setting that's mainly just weird disjointed and annoying.

    The WORST "Has-been" seriously outdated BORING cringeworthy items:
    A) The broken radio (anything) with dead batteries...??
    B) Broken purse latch..?
    C) Coins for Newspaper case...?
    D) Decrepit snarling cat..?!
    E) Nasty Squawking Crows flying about..??

    🥀Is there anything that ISN'T FRUSTRATING IN THIS GAME..??

    I am only minutes into it...
    and thought I mistakenly downloaded an older version.
    The archaic Custom Level icon settings were the first clue.

    I am extremely disappointed by the glaringly obvious repetition of the oldest HOP games and absence of ANYTHING new.
    Or fun.🏟

    The last thing I expected from Elephant is a "been there done that" car crash in a remote forest area with a missing loved one, sleepwalking HOP, forgettable objects, bland characters...
    and to be BORED.🙁

    🎢New games🌟 should at least strive to be fiercely competitive, proudly showcasing their never been seen/thought of storylines, characters and HOP/Mini-Games, elevated graphics, attempts at more elaborate techniques, newer twists, creative innovations or even just some various types of subtle changes that add interest to the game...
    ANYTHING new or different that updates or enhances.


    The trial was the SHORTEST one in history- just enough to highlight all the worst aspects- and adding to its quick and definitive demise.



    Miss LC
    In SF

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