May 23, 2024
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements
No, MT CARMEL C SC MANGALORE does not have support for iPad devices.
The MT CARMEL C SC MANGALORE app was created by Jarulss Technology Solutions.
The minimum supported iOS version for the MT CARMEL C SC MANGALORE app is iOS 11.0.
There isn't enough feedback for the MT CARMEL C SC MANGALORE app at the moment.
Education Is The App Genre Of The Mt Carmel C Sc Mangalore App.
1.3 is the latest released MT CARMEL C SC MANGALORE version.
The MT CARMEL C SC MANGALORE app was last updated on January 6, 2025.
MT CARMEL C SC MANGALORE was released on February 5, 2023.
Child-friendly content, no violence or scary images.
The MT CARMEL C SC MANGALORE app can be used in American English.
Unfortunately, MT CARMEL C SC MANGALORE is not on Apple Arcade.
Unfortunately, in-app purchases are not available within MT CARMEL C SC MANGALORE.
No, you cannot utilize MT CARMEL C SC MANGALORE with Apple Vision Pro.
No, users are not exposed to ads in MT CARMEL C SC MANGALORE.