User Reviews: Fallout Zone

Top reviews

  • It’s Ok

    I Just Started Playing This, At First I Was Looking For Secrets Or Glitches... I Haven’t Been Following The Missions Since There Are A Few Bugs (when you walk inside of a building or attacking militia) That Irritates The Crap Outa Me. it’s good but not an app to be recommended. *p.s. theres a militia person who has to good of shooter

    I Hope This Game Improves And Hopefully Can Craft Stuff Instead Of Running Around Shooting Zombies Or Survivors
  • Ehhhh

    My son pre-ordered and told me it was blah. I decided to try it and beat the entire game in roughly 5 minutes. As it’s only 5 levels and the rest are locked. If you click the lock nothing happens. There is no option to go to a home screen you must pick a level. The “enemies” on level 4-5 don’t move, they glide. Not sure if this is a glitch or how they should move. Can’t use rockets feature. The blast-back is nice. But all in all nothing much there. The “explosive barrels” placed around don’t blow up. But yeah all in all the game works but is ehhh.
  • False advertising

    This is by no means a survival game. It’s a linear, objective based, monotonous shooter with little variation in gameplay. I couldn’t get passed the first level without constantly getting prompted with rating the game. When i liked on Facebook I didn’t get the reward & on top of all that it nearly makes my phone hot to the touch.
  • Not enough content

    Seems like it could be good. But I played for 15 min and it seems there is no more. Only 6 levels. And I think maybe only training levels. Can we expect a sizable update soon? It shouldnt have been released with so little content. Hope to see more. 3 stars is being generous considering what I was given, I think.
  • Needs some updates PLZ READ

    PLZ READ This game is definitely worth a download but for the people who made this you should add a shop where you can buy new guns and cool different outfits you do do that by when you are in a game and you kill a zombie or human you can get coins or when you complete a mission you get coins and you can spend them on different items in the shop or you could do loot box’s where you can buy one and get an outfit gun or abilities that would make the game so much better thank you PLZ READ
  • I like it but needs some touches.

    As others have, I have pre-ordered the game myself and I like it so far but a few things kinda grind my gears. First things first, Combat. I’m not a fan of stand and shoot shooters. I should be able to run as I shoot. Second, Weapons. One of the levels took me 4 retries to beat because of a militia man at the compound that was able to rip me apart from 20 feet away. Third, lack of levels. I understand the game just came out and all but ya think you could’ve added just a few more levels prior to release?
  • 6 Missions? Unfinished but with potential.

    So if you’ve preordered you’ve experienced what they have so far. Seems to be just six playable missions that kinda get you familiar with the games dynamics; shooting, moving, force back?, exploration. Also it’s very brief on the tutorial side of things. The gun aiming leaves a little to be desired but you eventually get the hang of it. I’ve completed the six missions almost all with three stars. The games description is misleading currently, here is no base in place just yet for you to build up. No loot-able resources or gear to snag off enemies, also no crafting system in place. I assume that will all come in time. Looking forward to what else this game has to offer. Definitely a game I’ll be keeping on my device to follow its progress as it grows.
    Don’t listen to the 5 Stars or the 1 Stars try it for yourself and you will see the potential and the fact that it’s very early stages of the game. All we can hope for is that they can stay focused on the end game and present us with an amazing product. I know I haven’t found the perfect survival game yet some that have come close but we will see.
    Good luck developers I’m rooting for you.
  • Not a fan

    I’m not a fan the overview said roam the wasteland gather materials upgrade an outpost but it’s on levels and only six so far if I wanted an episodic game I can find a better one than this you should have at least made even the begging of the game remotely close to the overview I hope to see it grow to something they advertise but right now it’s a waste of space
  • Good game, great concept.

    The game is fun, I am totally willing to continue to play and give it a chance to get better as I enjoy this style. Something similar is Global Outbreak.

    I do think there are a lot of changes and improvements to be made. If I have a horde of zombies chasing me, I should be able to get them to attack militia members, or get militia members to engage the zombies. It’s shouldn’t be EVERYTHING vs you. You should be able to plot, even small scale.
  • Helpful critism

    First of all I would like to say this game by far is one of the best mobile games I have played but I still have some suggestion first is maybe for levels that are harder like ones with the militia you can be assisted by other soldiers. Also zoom in a little and I feel the militia levels are very hard because A. There numbers and B. There a lot harder especially with there guns so maybe cut the amount of them a little

    Can I get a response Dev Team also do you you plan on updating this game?

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