Numbers with : 046
When is there going to be an update so that users with phone numbers starting with 046 will be able to use the service that app provides.
Ndreqne pak o koleg se 20 her po duhet me instalu per me bo ni her
Katastrof, edhe me ket aplikacion deshmon Vala qe se ka ndal hala hajnin e vet ndaj klientave, e kom marr 1 mbushje ne vler te 3Eurove per me pagu masanej per mbushje tjera naper sportele, 4Euro mi keni marr edhe hala su shly borxhi, dmth qdo mbushje qe e boj mi merrni paret, tmerr deshtim, se shpejti klient i IPKO-s
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Very needed
Super ide.
Ju pergezoj AppBites.
Ju pergezoj AppBites.
Perfekt, bravo ide e mire kjo!
Flm 3P qe keni bo zgjdhje per momentet e veshtira!
Long waited app is finally here! Very easy and user friendly! Wish Ipko had the same app!
Super aplikacion, bravo 3P
Super aplikacion, bravo 3P
Just what I needed!
Very user friendly app. You can borrow credit or mobile data in seconds. Highly recommended for Vala pre-paid users!