User Reviews: DevOps Manager

DevOps Manager
DevOps Manager
DevTard Development Limited

Top reviews

  • Very beta VSTS Client

    Interesting client for Azure DevOps but not worth premium price. Can't create a work item linked to an Epic for example.

    Developer Response

    I can confirm that this feature has been added to the upcoming release, due soon. You can use this feature by opting into the beta here: (The beta currently does not support editing work items, with the exception of assigning and changing state)
  • Disappointing

    Work items not visible at all, seems to not be capable of accessing sprint or area info, no access to different board views. Lists build history, but unable to see/access configs. Doesn’t show anything useful at this point.

    Pretty disappointing for $5. Should be free given current capabilities

    Developer Response

    I am sorry you are experiencing issues. However before you leave a review because an advertised feature does not work, it might be good practise to contact the developer using the app support button on the app store page, so that they can actually start a conversation with you to identify and fix the issue! I am currently working on version 2 of the app, which involves a major design refresh and new features. I will take your suggestions on board. I am of course limited by Microsoft's APIs. Any and all feedback is appreciated.
  • Broke

    Can’t even get in to my projects... Signed in and can’t eat past the main page. I’d attach a screen shot if I could. Very disappointing - again.

    Developer Response

    I am sorry you are experincing issues, however before you leave a review because an advertised feature does not work, it might be good practise to contact the developer, using the app support button on the app store page, so that they can actually start a conversation with you to identify and fix the issue! I am currently working on version 2 of the app, which involves a major design refresh and new features. Any and all feedback is appreciated.
  • ok, but needs work

    Better UI/UX would make this app more enjoyable to use. Needs better layout on the iPad. I currently have a sprint on one of my projects, but I don’t see it. I’ve tried looking for it, but no luck. I’m really excited to see where this app goes, hence why I bought it. There isn’t much support for Azure DevOps on mobile devices, so keep up the good work.

    Developer Response

    Hi, Thank you for your review. I am currently working on version 2 of the app, which includes a brand new design and new features. If its not too much to ask can you contact me using the support button on my site : and let me know what improvments you would like to see and more information about your issue so i can try to get to the bottom of it? Thanks,
  • Not very helpful

    Primarily use it for backlog management

    Unable to find tasks online which are added from mobile. Very limited Fields supported.

    Developer Response

    I’m sorry that you don’t find the app useful. Please email so I can help. All of the work items I create in the app do appear on the web. Please also email above regarding the fields that you want to appear. Thanks Felix
  • Nice 1.x Product, needs more functionality.

    It looks like it will come in handy for being able to monitor and control some aspects of my Azure DevOps projects. I would really like to see analytics supported in the app even if in the form of viewing dashboards. Until that day comes, I am grateful for the link that allows me the browse via web browser. I am looking forward to updates as they are released in the future.

    Developer Response

    Thank you for your review. For version 2 we are complete redesigning the main project dashboard which give you a much better overview. What sort of analytics are you looking for? Please email
  • Has promise, needs work

    Already better than the other one but currently crashes for me at the parent work items page. Would love to get this working

    Developer Response

    Hi, Please can you email So I can look at fixing the problems you are experiencing Thanks, Felix
  • Authentication page spins forever

    Perhaps this has to do with federated auth? We do single sign on integrated with our AD auth. App does not appear to handle this. Would like a refund unless this can be resolved.

    Developer Response

    Hi, Are you attempting to log into a locally hosted Team Services site? Currently the app only supports VSTS. Email me on: so i can look at resolving any issues.
  • Browse is great but updates crash

    Hey team - loving the concept of this app and really useful for viewing work and source code on the go. This is much needed and this app has the cleanest UI I’ve seen.

    When I try to reassign a work item, however, my app crashes. Can I send you a report on it to see what’s going on? Nothing strange about my VSTS account, just normal bug work item. Thanks.

    Developer Response

    I’m glad you like the app, please email and we can look at why the app is crashing. Thanks

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