User Reviews: Mystery of Ancients

Top reviews

  • Really great game and story

    Highly recommend this game. One of the better games I have purchased in a while. Great job to all the personal who worked on this game!
  • Loved it!!

    Loved every bit of this game.
  • Lots of Fun

    I wrote a review earlier before I finished playing the game but it seems to have disappeared.

    Just wanted to correct myself on finding the crowns. If you can not find one you can come back later to look for it **ONLY WHEN YOU ARE STLL PLAYING THE MAIN GAME**.
    I realized this when I finished the bonus round and was trying to go back and find the 3 that I missed during the game. It was upsetting because I like to achieve everything in the game, makes it more cha.

    Other than that and the game was short, this game was extremely awesome and lots of fun. Also all the puzzles are self explanatory so you don’t have to stress out trying to figure out what the instructions mean.

    I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.
  • No Mystery Here--Buy this one!

    This is only my partial review, but BF gives us a terrific one with this game. I didn't want to stop playing, even for these few words. If you have been desperate for a great game, this one is immensely playable, immersive, rich--with innovative, multi-layered puzzles. More later!
    After completing the game and the bonus, I must unfortunately subtract a 1/2 star. The game was very brief, but perhaps I only enjoyed it too much? My verdict is still to buy--especially at reduced price of 3.99. It is quite enjoyable and well thought out, particularly the multilayered puzzles. HOGs can become very repetitive but this game avoided that trap. Thank you developers! Now please give us more great games and we will buy them!
  • It’s A Keeper!

    Really enjoyed this game! Very interactive during hidden object scenes, which I ❤️. Although the graphics were grainy, this did not affect gameplay in my view. There were too many enjoyable and cleverly done scenes, along with some great special effects.
    There were your collectibles, crowns and character dolls. Voiceovers were very nicely done as well. Teleporting map was provided (which wasn’t a whole lot of help) but that’s the challenge right? Highly recommend picking this one up as it is very entertaining and a huge step up from the other new releases as of late.
    I had contacted Big Fish 🐠 regarding our lack of New Releases for us IPad users and they were passing the info on to the mobile team. Voices need to be heard if you want more games.
    So fellow gamers, please don’t hesitate to write them and let them know. They actually stated, that my feedback was appreciated. I certainly want to see more games (like the olden days) don’t you?
    Play & Enjoy 😊Looking forward to our next release as it is hard to make these shorter games last.
    KdBoots 🤠
  • Black Dagger by LynxMinx

    Note to KimTwilight: You didn’t miss out on anything with Puppet Show; it was a disaster and a waste of money. In this game, Duncan was a total HOTTIE! In addition, there was a labyrinth and I know you love those as well as I do!
    Although I have certain quibbles with this game, at least Mariaglorum gave us enjoyable and entertaining gameplay. Yes, the storyline (resurrection of an evil entity) was extremely redundant. The graphics lacked clarity and were devoid of much color. It was an extremely brief game. However, there were many positive aspects that we expect to see in all of our adventures, such as a customizable game, a marked teleport map which indicated collectibles (crowns and character figurines), instantaneous loading between locations, plus items, a back button, and a plethora of tasks at each location. Objectives were regularly updated. The HO scenes had no alternative puzzle but at least there was a decent variety, and there were quite a few of the “use one item to unlock another item” type with embedded micro-puzzles. Inventory usage was a breeze because you need not drag items; click on the tool you wanted to use and the area in which to use it and it worked perfectly first time around. Unlike AMAX Interactive, Mariaglorum gave us an excellent level of quality assurance, so I would say BigFish redeemed themselves this week. The game contained many puzzles/mini-games. Many of them were of the rotational genre, but others were games of dexterity and skill, there were codes and even the aforementioned labyrinth, which was a puzzle that one could not skip. Although many were simplistic I believe most gamers will still find them enjoyable. My main issues with this game were the length, the poor quality of the graphics, and the teleport map (it worked fine but I had set it up to show available actions and it kept shutting the action marks to the off position). My final review will stand at 4 stars. Happy gaming to all!
  • Unique HOPs, logical story line, quite short

    I liked that usually I was able to figure out what I needed to do, and even looking for items was usually logical, and I rarely had to use the help guide. The HOPs were ones I had not encountered before, although I would have liked to have alternative puzzles to do instead. It was fairly short. Graphics and voice overs were good.
  • Ridiculously short

    Very good game, but really brief. They need to put less effort into annoying videos and more into the substance of the game
  • Superb Game! Truly a Five Star Game!

    I enjoyed every aspect of this game! Many collectible crowns and coronets to find. Click on the crown logo to see which collectibles and individuals to find. Very creative interactive HOPs and puzzles. My favorite puzzle was trying to free a raccoon inside a maze - lots of fun!! Bright colors. A cluster of buttons located on the bottom right-hand side, giving access to the interactive map, hint button, difficulty level (very convenient). Bright, bold colors. And...a very fast 5 second refresh rate. Long-playing. I’ll start to play the Bonus section shortly!

    More of this same high-quality games, please!!!
  • Black Dagger

    So far I’m intrigued by game...not entertained yet. Still playing demo.

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