Deal Rubbish
If you keep dealing rubbish what hope does anyone in that position have of actually winning ?None.
You seem quite happy to take my hard earned and then just keep dishing up rubbish cards, As a lot of reviews say that only on these apps can you get the same cards dealt 2 or 3 hands in a row.
You make the False claim of random number generator yet there is no such thing on this planet.
You clearly control who gets what cards FACT
I thought I’d give your App the benefit of doubt, But no you just kept dealing me rubbish 98% of the time, all around me 2 Aces, 2 jacks and i get 9, 5 off suit 8, 3 off suit so random number ? Not a chance, It’s all controlled by you and it’s very simple to prove.
Keep on smirking……..