- Directly from the phone, without using another device(token) or another mobile app;
- A single user code and password to access to all your ING Romania companies;
- Versatile login, choose the most suitable option for you: user code and password | 5-digit PIN code | FaceID | Fingerprint;
- Sign payments the way you want: 5-digit PIN code | FaceID | Fingerprint;
- Hide the accounts you don't want to be displayed;
- Choose the quick buttons you use most frequently;
- You receive PUSH for transactions from your accounts.
How do I activate the notifications?
• Update to the latest version of the ING Business application;
• Go to Menu >Settings >General >Notifications(allowed);
• Make sure that you have activated the permission for Notifications from your phone: Settings > Applications > look for the ING Business application in the list of installed applications > Notifications > Allow;
As soon as you log into the application, the page with the latest very important messages will automatically load. The coloured dot placed above the top-right bell indicates if you have unread messages. Also from the bell you can access the Notifications menu, where you can find all the relevant news communicated by ING(read and unread);
- Access to all accounts of the company/companies;
- The payments menu and the interfaces for making the payments have now a fresh design:
• Payment in Lei;
• Between accounts (of the same company);
• Payment in Euro in EU;
• Foreign payment;
- Payment management:
• also found in the Payments menu, the brand new option named Reuse payment – allows you to search the payments history and reuse a former payment to start another new payment but with same details already filled-in, for you to save some precious time;
• sign pending payments made by you or another person;
• view transactions waiting for funds in order to be successfully processed by the bank (without being needed your intervention for processing);
• history/templates to be able to reuse the data of previous payments or previous saved beneficiaries;
• scheduling payments;
- Currency exchange updated in real time;
- Visualisation and liquidation of deposits;
- View active loans;
- The application is available in english and romanian. You can change the language of the application in 2 steps:
1. Add the secondary language on the phone: Settings >General >Language and region - add;
2. Change the language of the application: Settings >Down in the list of installed applications, select ING Business >Preferred language - choose Romanian or English;
- In app rating - you can tell us directly from the application what you think of ING Business, because we want to know your opinion constantly;
- By default, we show only active deposits, having to go to the settings only if you want to see closed deposits as well;
- Map for ING branches and ATMs;
- Generating for account history in .pdf format for the chosen period;
- The standard exchange rate valid for legal entities.
Keep in mind:
- If you want to see more or need help, we have prepared here(https://ing.ro/imm/ING-Business#Tutoriale) several tutorials videos about the application functionalities.
- Activate the automatic update of the application to ensure you use the latest version and to enjoy all the enhancements(bugfixes or new features).
We strive for a safe experience in ING Business, so we added new cookie modules which help us to identify potential frauds and protect you from malware. You can find details on the ING site in Politica de cookies a ING Business, at the end of the section "Module strict necesare" or in the ING Business App, section “About ING Business mobile app” , option “Read cookie policy”.
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What's New in ING Business Romania
November 26, 2024
Garnishments can now be viewed on your phone, the new section displaying information about the amount that should be paid it’s only shown when there is a garnishment on the account(s).
Additionally, we have made some technical improvements that are not visible but contribute to better app performance.
De la atâtea resetări ale aplicației gen please enter your ING business login credentials, acum chiar dacă aș vrea să le reintroduc pentru a suta oară pe anul 2024, îmi dă Activation failed You exceeded the number of allowed devices. Minunat! Mai bine rămân la acces web ca aplicația e total inutilă. Aș fi dat 0 stele dacă aș fi putut. Dar și la accesul web e o problemă de pe mobil. Site-ul nu e optimizat deloc pentru mobil. Dar deloc!
Update iunie 2024: Developerul nu a înțeles nimic din bugul raportat în martie. Da bineînțeles ca pot merge pe web și administra de acolo numărul de deviceuri active. Problema e la aplicație care random cere activare. Ca și acum! Am aplicații de la alte bănci mult mai prestigioase la nivel mondial și nu a fost nevoie decât de o singură activare în toți anii de folosință. La ING trebuie activata aplicația de minim câteva ori pe an. Probabil developerul crede ca noi ca romani suntem mai plictisiți și nu avem nimic mai bun de făcut decât să activăm aplicațîi așa just for fun.
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Response from developer
Buna, Andrei! Ne pare rau pentru neplacerire cauzate! Poti sterge dispozitivile active din ING Business web - Setari-Administrare - Mobile Banking! Poti avea maximum 10 dispozitive.