User Reviews: Royal Detective

Top reviews

  • Great game

    Great game !
  • Enjoyable Game

    Elephant Games & Big Fish team together for another great game. Good story which follows the others in this series well. I throughly enjoyed the game play. Challenging but not impossible puzzles and HOP’s. Worth the money.
  • TOOOO short

    They don’t give you enough of the game for free to know if you want to buy it.
  • Royal detective: princess returns

    Game locks up in hidden object game.
  • Great Game

    Contrary to other reviews, I enjoyed this game. Kept me entertained to the end. Just have the bonus game to complete. Thanks to the developer
  • Royal Detective: The Princess Returns by LynxMinx

    Note to KimTwilight: Hello my friend. I hope you’re well. I didn’t see a review from you in regards to this dull game or the new offering from Artifex Mundi. I hope you’re traveling and not just sitting around knitting, lol! Although you wouldn’t strike me as someone who knits. Don’t bother with this game. Believe me I am doing you, Dracyy, and Catalina a favor.
    This charming little fantasy-themed game would have been terrific if I was a ten-year old child. Although I generally love Elephant Games, I was extremely underwhelmed. Of course you were provided with the usual bells and whistles: customizable settings, pleasant graphics, a teleport map which indicated outstanding collectibles, and complex items. Collectibles were morphing statuettes and dog figurines. You had a little stone dog golem to assist you; however I found it extremely annoying because it kept running in circles and that was causing me to experience vertigo. The storyline was simplistic. The HO scenes had variation, but no real creativity, challenge or innovative elements were present. There was a plethora of tasks to accomplish at each location. The puzzles/games were for the most part boring rotational junk, which I actually forced myself to do because I had nothing better to do. I didn’t experience any glitches because this developer always provides an excellent standard of quality assurance. There were a couple of puzzles which were thought provoking but not overly enjoyable. The game was very brief, inclusive of the bonus adventure.
    I was bored to tears! BigFish, if you are only going to give us one game per week, at least give us a challenging and lengthy blockbuster. We have been loyal to you and now we expect better than this trifling little snooze-fest. I surely hope that the new release from Artifex Mundi is a winner!
    My rating will remain at 2 stars, because this game was so dull, trite and uninspired.
    Happy gaming to all! Don’t waste your money on this game unless you are purchasing it for a child, and if so please make sure you get it on sale.
    UPDATE: Note to Corntiques: I couldn’t wait for the game to end either! I sure hope the next game from Elephant is either a Grim Tales or a Haunted Hotel, but something that at least piques our interest. One thing that has me bemused, and I am sure you’ll agree, is that the rating for this game on the App Store is 4.5 stars, and so far all the reviews I have read are rated at 2 stars or less. I haven’t seen reviews from some of our regulars but I doubt they will rate much higher.
  • Unlock with purchase

    Is anyone else having the problem trying to unlock this game ? Can’t even get to the page it just keeps telling me purchase failed. I have not even seen the page where I put my password in.
  • Mediocre and Ultimately Boring!

    The only positives are the varied and interactive HOPs. And, I enjoyed the animation. The graphics are well executed.

    I found that the puzzles are difficult. After completing the Bonus games you cannot return to find the missing collectibles. Refresh rate is slow.

    I couldn’t wait for the game to end.
  • Failed to buy

    Well I went to buy this game despite very short trial. And it failed half a dozen times. As I was over charged for the last game on sale I am sceptical about anything bought from this website. There good for pc games but fall flat for anything else, and in show no desire to fix it. You get deals on pc but not anywhere else. Doubt it matters to them as response has been terrible. Save you money play demo and delete till they choose that more people r using tablets than clunky computers.
  • Hard Puzzles

    It not a short game but it could be longer. The puzzles are more difficult that usual, even in casual mode. Compared to other games this story is very simple. I still enjoyed it for what it’s worth.

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