Abundance is your guide for finding local food pantries, farmers’ markets, meal programs, fruit and vegetable pick-up sites, senior dining sites, and markets. Abundance is a free mobile app that empowers families to find free and low cost, high-quality food resources in the greater Boston Massachusetts area. The Abundance app is available for iPhone and iPad.
Abundance Features:
Find food resources near you:
• Search by current location to find the closest food resource
o Find a local food pantry or meal program
o Find fruit and vegetable pick-up sites
o Find a farmers’ market
o Find a senior dining site
o Find a market or grocery store
• List or Map view
• Find hours of operation and contact information
• Enter an address or zip code if you don’t want to use location
Search Filters
• Filter your search results by address, zip code, distance and type of food resource
Write and Read Reviews
• Write reviews of local food sites
• Read user reviews of each food site
User instructions:
Abundance Boston allows you to find local food resources, read user reviews, submit reviews. Please note the resources are located in the greater Boston, Massachusetts area. When you open the app it will navigate to your location. If you are not located in Boston, MA when using the app, enter an address or zip code in Boston in order to see available resources.
Click on the icon to see the resource name and address. Next, click on the information button to see the resource details including hours of operation and user reviews. From that screen click "Rate this site" to enter a review and offer a rating. Click "Post a review" to share your review. To edit your review left swipe it to delete.
Need Help:
Contact abundance.village@gmail.com
The Abundance app is developed and maintained by a team at Boston Medical Center Vital Village Network. Learn more about the Data Workgroup here: https://www.vitalvillage.org/data-dashboard/food-access
When you have the app in list view you cannot expand each location and see the hrs of operation, that you can only do in the Map view. When viewing and individual location in map view it only shows the day no times which is extremely important for pantries. Also when returning the home screen map view it zooms all the way out and you have the start again instead of just going to your location. Like my title states, the concept is wonderful but needs a lot of work to improve functionality and usability for the end user. It’s like they just created it but didn’t test it on an audience, which is too bad.