Airport Manager Adventures

Airport Manager Adventures

Airport Simulation Game

In-App Purchases

About Airport Manager Adventures

  • Released
  • Updated
  • iOS Version
  • Age Rating
  • Size
  • Devices
  • Languages


Developer of Airport Manager Adventures

In-App Purchases of Airport Manager Adventures



Remove Ads

Remove Ads

Airport Manager Adventures screenshot #1 for iPhone
Airport Manager Adventures screenshot #2 for iPhone
Airport Manager Adventures screenshot #3 for iPhone
Airport Manager Adventures screenshot #4 for iPhone
Airport Manager Adventures screenshot #5 for iPhone
Airport Manager Adventures screenshot #6 for iPhone
Airport Manager Adventures screenshot #7 for iPhone
Airport Manager Adventures screenshot #8 for iPhone
Airport Manager Adventures screenshot #9 for iPhone
Airport Manager Adventures screenshot #10 for iPhone
🖼️Get Icon

What's New in Airport Manager Adventures


May 1, 2020

- Added New Levels : Airport Missing Items, Air Flight Safety instructions Play, and more! - iOS13 & iPhoneX Series Compatibility - Added In-app purchase for "Remove Ads". You can now enjoy playing "Ad-Free".


Reviews of Airport Manager Adventures


Very good and inventive, you have a lot of levels that other airport games don’t think of!!

Some suggestions. Can you have a train terminal to get to departure gate and a place to check boarding tickets?

A duty free area with shops and a cafe would be good.

As for the flight turbulence it’s quite a good idea but can you also have an option to see view out plane window when taking off or landing?


Love your bank game too😍
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Alternatives to Airport Manager Adventures

More Applications by BHADRIK MEHTA


Can Airport Manager Adventures be used on an iPad?

Yes, Airport Manager Adventures works on iPad devices.

Who is the creator of the Airport Manager Adventures app?

Airport Manager Adventures was created by BHADRIK MEHTA.

What’s the minimum iOS version supported by the Airport Manager Adventures app?

The minimum supported iOS version for the Airport Manager Adventures app is iOS 11.0.

What is the overall user rating for Airport Manager Adventures?

The average rating for the Airport Manager Adventures app is 4.5.

What is the primary genre of the Airport Manager Adventures app?

The Primary Genre Of The Airport Manager Adventures App Is Games.

What is the latest Airport Manager Adventures version?

The current version of the Airport Manager Adventures app is 2.0.

When was the latest Airport Manager Adventures update?

The latest Airport Manager Adventures update was rolled out on January 6, 2025.

When was the Airport Manager Adventures app released?

The Airport Manager Adventures app launched on February 5, 2023.

What is the content advisory rating of the Airport Manager Adventures app?

The Airport Manager Adventures app contains no objectionable material and is suitable for children aged BHADRIK MEHTA.

What languages does Airport Manager Adventures support?

You can use the Airport Manager Adventures app in English.

Is Airport Manager Adventures part of the Apple Arcade gaming experience?

No, Airport Manager Adventures is not on Apple Arcade.

Is Airport Manager Adventures integrated with in-app purchases?

Yes, Airport Manager Adventures seamlessly integrates in-app purchases for users.

Does Airport Manager Adventures support Apple Vision Pro compatibility?

No, Airport Manager Adventures does not support compatibility with Apple Vision Pro.

Are users exposed to ads in Airport Manager Adventures?

No, users are not exposed to ads in Airport Manager Adventures.