User Reviews: ilearntoboat

Top reviews

  • Horrible App

    Don’t use this just go on a computer and do it on google I did on the app first and then when I got to the final test it gave me an error message and wouldn’t let me take it so then I contact support and they say some states won’t let you take it on the app so I go to a computer and it made me restart the whole course for some reason didn’t save my progress through the app so to sum it up if you want to save an hour or two do it on a computer through google.

    Developer Response

    We are so sorry to hear of your trouble with the final exam! FYI: The final does not display within the app but has to be taken in the browser. This is true for ALL students in ALL states. You should have seen instructions in the app for how to bring up the final exam in your browser on your mobile device. There was no need to restart on the desktop. Apologies that somehow this got miscommunicated to you! We do hope that you have a great boating season this year and the years to come.
  • Waste of money do not buy

    When I payed $50 for this I thought it was going to be quick but it was not. This app takes forever to finish. About 3/4 of the stuff has nothing to do with the actual boating learning just a stupid storyline that takes forever. Also some of the questions on the quizzes didn’t even give you all the information so I had to guess and this was super frustrating. This boating license thing is TERRIBLE and awful. The owners of this are corrupted for charging so much for something that is such a waste. Pathetic.

    Developer Response

    Sorry to hear you didn't like the interactive fiction style of learning that the ILTB course presents. We get that students have various learning styles, which is why we also offer the traditional-style course. However, we can confirm 100% that the ILTB course is faster than the traditional course. Our data indicate that the median time to completion of the ILTB course is 3 hours and for the traditional course it's 6 hours or more. Most students are happy to pay for that time savings! In any case, we wish you the job of a happy boating summer!
  • Didn’t let me finish the mystery

    Spent extra money on this boaters license course. Everything went pretty smoothly and I was exited to solve the mystery at the end, until it told me that I made the wrong decisions and I would never be ahold to solve the mystery. This made me a bit upset as I payed for this fun course and it got my hopes up just for my dreams to be ruined. If anyone knows what the mystery ended up being please let me know because I am very interested.

    Developer Response

    We are so sorry that you were unable to solve the mystery! Unfortunately, we can tell you how it ends because how the story ends depends on what choices you made along the way and what "clues" you were exposed to along with a bit of randomness/luck built in. There are actually 17 possible endings! Glad to hear you did enjoy the story though. We hope you have a great boating summer!
  • Great for beginners

    If you know nothing about boating, like me, this is a very helpful and interactive guide. Yes, the scenarios are a little cheesy, but I am glad I used this. If you are experienced, it would probably be a little more tedious for you, and I recommend looking elsewhere.

    Developer Response

    Thanks so much for the 5 star review! We are happy to hear you enjoyed the course. And just so you know the "little cheesy" is intentional. We wanted to make the learning a little amusing. Even experienced boaters tend to like the course because it is so much faster to go through than the traditional course. (The trad course takes about 6-8 hours to finish where this app takes about 2.5 hours on avg.) Thanks again! Happy boating!
  • Password reset is a nightmare

    $50+ course with a completely broken password reset process.

    I accidentally selected an Apple auto gen password after signing up and paying via the website. ILTB then says you have to download their app to complete the course. Password screen after downloading doesn’t auto-fill Apple password. No option to reset without going back to website. Reset email is caught by gmail spam filter; after marking not spam and requesting re-send, versions don’t have functional password reset links.

    Developers, this is the kind of UX that earns you a chargeback. Please fix

    Developer Response

    We are so sorry to hear of your poor experience with the password reset! You're absolutely correct that it should work a lot better than the current. Thanks for your feedback and realize that we have noted this on our list of things to improve. In the meantime, thanks for taking the course and we wish you the joy of many great days boating!
  • There is a time limit

    You have 3 months to complete the course or you are not able to take the final exam. It is hidden in the terms of use that of course no one reads.
    This is an underhanded practice that many use but I really would have expected more from an education app. That said the course it self is good but if you do not have the time get ready to pay twice to be able to get the final done.

    Developer Response

    We understand your frustration and thank you for bringing this potential for confusion to our attention. The course has "no page timers." That means you are not required to spend a certain amount of time on each page as you do in a traditional course. As a result, the ILTB course is typically faster to complete for students. However, there is overall expiration on the course if you're unable to complete it within 90 days. Also you can extend the registration time period. Call customer support at 1-844-300-0533 for assistance.
  • Waste of time!

    I would have paid triple the money to use this app without the ridiculous story and never ending speech bubbles you have to read in order to advance. The quizzes and tests are fine and helpful and there is all the information you need in this. But seriously 3 1/2 hours of scooby doo mystery is unacceptable! If I knew that before I spent the money I wouldn’t have used this company. The course material and review is about 10% of the app. the rest is a waste!

    Developer Response

    We are disappointed to hear you didn't like the course experience so much that you left a 1-star review. The ILTB course asks students to make real world boating decisions while following along with the story. This is called 'context embedded learning' and is meant to improve overall student understanding retention of the boating safety concepts. But we get that everyone has different learning styles. This is why we also offer the traditional courses; however those take about 6-8 hours to complete, so most students opt for the 3 hours of ILTB and prefer it. Happy boating!
  • Crashed while I was taking The Final EXAM!

    What the title says.. Tbf, I’m not sure if it was a server issue, but things seemed to be working just fine when I logged back on from a PC.. Luckily the site saved where I was at in the exam and I didn’t need to restart!

    I wish I had not spent the extra money for this stupid visual novel version of Boaters Ed.. I could’ve just flipped through the stupidly easy to understand study guide in an hour vs. 4..

    Developer Response

    Sorry to hear the final exam crashed on you but glad to hear you were able to complete the course. As for your observation that you could have flipped through the study guide in an hour, this may very well be true but boating education courses are required to be a minimum of 3 hours in length. This requirement comes from NASBLA, the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators, and as a course provider we must adhere to it for our courses to be approved by NASBLA and by your state.
  • Waste

    Went all the through the course - which has too many filler “quests” and is a waste of time on top of being overly confusing - and made it to the final exam, and wouldn’t you know it, you can’t take the exam on the app and “error, page not found” on the official site you are transferred to. Don’t waste hours like I did and look somewhere else to spend your money

    Developer Response

    Yes, the final exam is delivered outside of the iOS app on the website. Sometimes the transfer from the app doesn't go as smoothly as it should and it sounds like that is what happened to you. We apologize for the inconvenience. As for the "filler quests" you refer to, I think you're referring to the interactive/branching the story that is the foundation of the course. The purpose here is 'context embedded' learning, that is, you learning boating safely topics within the context of the story. Studies have shown this leads to better student retention of the learning material. Thanks for taking the course and happy boating!
  • Not worth it, until they fix the glitches.

    The glitches caused this to take longer than the actual course. Most of the literature/questions for a 10 question quiz was cut off and Not able to be read, therefore I was left to guess on that quiz and it took me over an hour and a half to guess it all correctly. I paid extra for it to be faster and that issue caused it to take wayyy longer than necessary. Not worth the extra $15 in my opinion. Plus the extra story that has nothing to do with the exam is another big waste of time.

    Developer Response

    Sorry to hear you were having an issue. The situation you described is usually caused by accidentally triggering the "zoom" feature on your iOS device. Did you call our Customer Support team for help? The 'extra story' as you described it really does have a direct connection with the exam as well as student long term retention of the boating safety education topics. Using the story to teach the concept is known as "context embedded learning." Though we understand this style of learning--based on research in cognitive and behavioral science--is not suited to all learners. Happy boating!

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