BAD GAME Where’s the report button???
Don’t play this game it’s so bad and PAY TO GET KEYS TO ENTER CAR OR WATCH ADD??? This company is greedy for money in plus no effort put into this fortnite is way better then this trash they sould have named the game Very bad put in trash
This is fortnite 100%
I get scam save the wold fortnite me now play Dun game
Rip off
For any one who hasn’t played fortnite’s save the world this is a ripoff or just straight up copy of the game. The only difference is these are ghosts not monsters
I am very offended
This game is a complete copy of fortnite save the world. The reviews say it’s better than fortnite but really this is just stealing fortnite’s idea. They copy so much. I got really mad when I saw this game. Fortnite has been working on their game for 6 years+ and counting. They have way more items and missions. Plus the graphics on this game are trash they but barely any effort into this compared to fortnite. 1 star they just stole fortnite’s idea it’s really not right.
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Mlg delete fortnite
This game is mlg
I downloaded this and instantly was hooked. I played this all night. I deleted Fortnite and started playing this. Right when I saw the cover I knew this was the one. This has helped me through so many rough times. Every time I had a bad day at school I would come home and play this. After 5 minutes I would feel better.
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The game
The game needs updates weapons and other but the is really good