St. Paul Coptic Church Chicago

St. Paul Coptic Church Chicago

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All Versions of St. Paul Coptic Church Chicago


October 25, 2022

To make our app the best it can be, we update regularly. This update includes general performance enhancements, new features and bug fixes.


April 7, 2022

To make our app the best it can be, we update regularly. This update includes general performance enhancements, new features and bug fixes.


October 13, 2021

To make our app the best it can be, we update regularly. This update includes general performance enhancements, new features and bug fixes.


April 13, 2021

To make our app the best it can be, we update regularly. This update includes general performance enhancements, new features and bug fixes.


November 10, 2020

To make our app the best it can be, we update regularly. This update includes general performance enhancements, new features and bug fixes.


May 5, 2020

To make our app the best it can be, we update regularly. This update includes general performance enhancements, new features and bug fixes.


December 5, 2019

To make our app the best it can be, we update regularly. This update includes general performance enhancements, new features and bug fixes.


October 15, 2018

To make our app the best it can be, we update regularly. Every update includes general performance enhancements, new features and bug fixes.


October 5, 2018

Price History of St. Paul Coptic Church Chicago

Description of St. Paul Coptic Church Chicago

Our Core Values Christ-Centered Ancient Church with Modern Day Relevance We are an Orthodox Church “built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone”. Our roots are ancient, dating to first centaury Christianity in Alexandria. Our heritage is enriched by two millennia of commitment to the Gospel in doctrine, in liturgy, in church life and in patient endurance of persecutions. Our message to our modern world is personal, universal and ever relevant: Christ Jesus came into the world, was crucified, died and rose again to save sinners—“of whom I am the worst”. ​ Faithful to the Greatest Commandments – Love God and Your Neighbor “On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets” Jesus said. We seek to live passionate lives for God, pursuing Him every day through prayer, Bible reading, service, giving, witnessing and in everything we do. We likewise abound with love to the community around us eager to minister to their needs whether physical, emotional, social or spiritual. We thrive on sharing the unconditional love of Christ with everyone we encounter in words and in deeds. ​ Mission Minded – Laboring with Faith, Diligence and Humility “Go” was Christ’s last instruction to His church before ascending. We are eager to continue the mission of those early Christians and we wish to do it with their mission-minded attitude. Content in everything, but never complacent; always laboring to bring positive change in our world. Not fazed by obstacles, but using them as opportunities; always filled with faith in God’s power. Joyful in God’s blessing on us, but quick to dispense them unto other; always diligent in using our God given talents. Burning with zeal for the Truth, yet sharing it with all gentleness and respect; always showing genuine humility to all people. Serving men, for the Glory of God. ​ Committed to Unity in Diversity We are multicultural community united in the body of Christ, the Church. “For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body”, and though we are many, we “are all one in Christ Jesus”; One God, One Faith, One Hope. We believe that worship is the strongest anchor for our unity that transcends language, culture and ethnicity. It is in worship that we know how to rejoice together, how to celebrate together and when to weep together because we have a common connection with God that brings us to one another. We gather to be transformed by the presence of Christ among us during the liturgy which is the center of our life as a family. In all our dealing we are keen on being an authentic community rooted and grounded in genuine love, so that we may together know the love of Christ. ​ Seeker Friendly We believe that every person who enters our church is the most important person in the world. That person is sent by God and should be loved and accepted as such. We all share the responsibility of creating an inviting environment where no one stands alone.
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St. Paul Coptic Church Chicago: FAQ

Is St. Paul Coptic Church Chicago compatible with iPad devices?

St. Paul Coptic Church Chicago is available on iPad devices.
The creator of St. Paul Coptic Church Chicago is St. Paul Coptic Orthodox Mission Church of Chicago.
The app needs iOS 14.0 or later to function properly.
The St. Paul Coptic Church Chicago app receives plenty of reviews and currently has a great user rating of 5.0.
Lifestyle Is The App Genre Of The St. Paul Coptic Church Chicago App.
The latest version of St. Paul Coptic Church Chicago is 45.1.0.
The latest St. Paul Coptic Church Chicago update came out on June 28, 2024.
St. Paul Coptic Church Chicago was first released on April 8, 2023.
St. Paul Coptic Orthodox Mission Church of Chicago: Contains no objectionable material.
The St. Paul Coptic Church Chicago app can be used in English.
No, St. Paul Coptic Church Chicago is not part of Apple Arcade.
No, you won't find in-app purchases featured in St. Paul Coptic Church Chicago.
No, you cannot utilize St. Paul Coptic Church Chicago with Apple Vision Pro.

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