EffinghamCo Schools

EffinghamCo Schools

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All Versions of EffinghamCo Schools


July 22, 2022

Software and content updates, including: When submitting a tip, citizens can choose to use their device GPS to indicate their location; Updated app user interface and software code base.


October 14, 2018

Price History of EffinghamCo Schools

Description of EffinghamCo Schools

The EffinghamCo Schools app provides users the ability to submit anonymous tips to the schools of the Effingham County, GA School District. The app also displays organization web and social media content.

EffinghamCo Schools: FAQ

Is EffinghamCo Schools available on iPad devices?

Yes, EffinghamCo Schools works on iPads.
The EffinghamCo Schools app was developed by Effingham County School District.
EffinghamCo Schools currently supports iOS 12.1 or later.
No ratings have been provided for the EffinghamCo Schools app so far.
The Effinghamco Schools App Relates To The Utilities Genre.
The latest EffinghamCo Schools version released is 2.0.1.
June 26, 2024 is the date of the latest EffinghamCo Schools update.
EffinghamCo Schools was introduced to the market on February 25, 2023.
Contains nothing objectionable, appropriate for all ages.
EffinghamCo Schools can be used in English.
Unfortunately, EffinghamCo Schools is not on Apple Arcade.
No, EffinghamCo Schools does not allow for in-app purchases.
Sorry, EffinghamCo Schools is not specifically engineered for compatibility with Apple Vision Pro.

Screenshots of EffinghamCo Schools


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