Out of business?
Crashes / Doesn’t work on iPhone 13
Do not buy
Doesn’t Work
Response from developer
Hi Red_guy, thank you for your feedback. Could you send an email to feedback@vono-app.com with the e-mailaddress that you used for VoNo? Then our team can look further into it. Kind regards, your VoNo team
Great Idea, Poor Execution
Response from developer
Hi Acertrhd, thank you for your feedback. We will update the review pop-up and we are currently investigating the other issues. We want to compensate you for the bugs that you have found and offer you a promo code for a temporarily VoNo PRO subscription. If you’re interested, please send us an email at feedback@vono-app.com. Kind regards, Your VoNo Team
Easy to use
Response from developer
Hi Cronin, thank you for the positive review. Kind regards, your VoNo team
Well done and thank you
Deceptive and useless. Can only make 10 memos in an entire day and they cannot be changed
All it does is send a message to your email address with your memo in, making it even less practical than having the app dedicated to your memos. If I’m using the app to create memos it’d sure be nice to be able to view and edit them in the same app but nevermind. I’ll just have my business email flooded with text memos.
Response from developer
Hi Crule761569, Thank you for your feedback. I’m sorry to hear VoNo is not the app you were looking for. VoNo is meant to optimize your memo-taking workflow by reducing the amount of steps needed to get your ideas/thoughts noted down. People who already take notes by sending themselves email can optimize their workflow using VoNo. In addition, because the memos are sent directly to email VoNo does not have to store your memos on its servers. The rest of the 50 memos are unlocked for free by inviting friends to VoNo. By doing this you support development of the app. I hope you will find the app you are looking for. Kind regards, Your VoNo team