Rating summary

About Portal Shopping

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  • iOS Version
  • Age Rating
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Developer of Portal Shopping

Portal Shopping screenshot #1 for iPhone
Portal Shopping screenshot #2 for iPhone
Portal Shopping screenshot #3 for iPhone
Portal Shopping screenshot #4 for iPhone
Portal Shopping screenshot #5 for iPhone
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What's New in Portal Shopping


September 2, 2024

O aplicativo está de cara nova! Com um design renovado, nova tipografia e ajustes nos elementos visuais, nossa interface está mais moderna, atraente e fácil de usar. Atualize agora e descubra todas as novidades!


Alternatives to Portal Shopping


Is the Portal Shopping app compatible with iPads?

Yes, Portal Shopping supports iPad devices.

Who developed the app?

Assoc dos Lojistas do Portal Shopping is the developer of Portal Shopping.

What is the minimum iOS version to run the Portal Shopping app?

To function properly, the app requires at least iOS 15.0.

What is the overall rating of the Portal Shopping app?

Currently, there are no ratings to display for the Portal Shopping.

What’s the genre of the Portal Shopping app?

The App Genre Of Portal Shopping Is Entertainment.

What is the latest version of Portal Shopping?

The latest Portal Shopping version released is 7.87.1.

What is the date of the most recent Portal Shopping update?

The latest Portal Shopping update came out on January 5, 2025.

What is the specific date when the app came out?

Portal Shopping launched on February 6, 2023.

What is the content advisory rating of Portal Shopping?

Portal Shopping is suitable for Assoc dos Lojistas do Portal Shopping years of age.

What languages does the Portal Shopping app support?

The Portal Shopping app is now available in English, Portuguese.

Is Portal Shopping one of the titles available through Apple Arcade?

No, Portal Shopping is not part of Apple Arcade.

Does Portal Shopping feature in-app purchases?

No, you won't find in-app purchases featured in Portal Shopping.

Is Portal Shopping optimized for use with Apple Vision Pro?

Unfortunately, Portal Shopping is not optimized for use with Apple Vision Pro.

Are ads featured prominently in Portal Shopping?

No, ads are not featured prominently in Portal Shopping.